Video series produced by the Gabriel Dumont Institute in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Each video is 50 minutes in duration.
VT S-519: Video entitled John Arcand and His Métis Fiddle, featuring the life and music of John Arcand, one of Canada's most accomplished Métis fiddle players. Includes interviews with Calvin Vollrath, Gilbert Anderson, Ray Isbister, Trent Bruner and Emma Arcand. Narrated and produced by Leah Dorion-Paquin. 2001.
VT S-520: video entitled Richard Lafferty: The Muskeg Fiddler, featuring the life and music of Richard Lafferty, an accomplished Métis fiddle player in the Northwest Territories. Narrated and produced by Leah Dorion-Paquin. 2002.
VT S-521: Video entitled Our Shared Inheritance: A Tradition of Métis Beadwork, featuring the beadwork styles and techniques of Métis women, including Isabelle Impey, in Cumberland House, Saskatchewan. Narrated by Cheryl Troupe and produced by Cheryl Troupe and Leah Dorion-Paquin. 2002.
VT S-522: video entitled The Story of the Crescent Lake Métis: our life on the road allowance, relating to the Crescent Lake road allowance community from the perspective of elders and former residents. Narrated and produced by Leah Dorion-Paquin. 2002.
VT S-523: video entitled Kitaskinaw i pi kiskinohamakoya (the land gives us our knowledge), relating to the Métis community of Ile a la Crosse and the Michif language. Narrated by Cheryl Troupe and Wayne Morin. 2002.
VT S-524: video entitled Li Michif, relating to the Michif language and culture and traditional Métis culture and life. The video was produced by the Gabriel Dumont Institute in conjunction with Right Tracks Studio and the Michif Language Speakers Association. 2000.