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CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 20 May 1978 - 23 May 1978

  • FILM S-1130
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  • 1978-05-20 to 1978-05-23

News: (1 & 2) Ms. Badir on home economics. (3) Home economic students (silent). (4) Home economic display(silent). (5 & 6) Merry-go-round at Kinsmen Park. (7) Mr. Friesen on arabian horses. (8) Mr. Shea on arabian horse training. (9 to 11) Arabian horse show (wild sound). (12 &13) Tony Dagnone on construction of new edition at University Hospital in Saskatoon. (14 to 16) Construction at University Hospital. (17 & 18) Ray Hnatyshyn on Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and taxes. (19 to 21) Riversdale swimming pool. (22) Bank robbery at Bank of Montreal in Saskatoon. (23) Strike at Federated Co-op.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 27 Sept. 1978 - 30 Sept. 1978

  • FILM S-1222
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  • 1978-09-27 to 1978-09-30

News: (1) Harness racing (Elwood Hart?) silent. (2) Autumn colors footage. (3) Ted Malone's election campaigning. (4) Reporter Jeff Dufour on Ted Malone. (5 & 6) Ted Malone speech making (wildsound). (7) Air show at Corman Park. (8) Saskatoon City Council on communications system. (9) Saskatoon City Council on the expansion of City Hall. (10) Traffic accident (silent). (11) Ted Malone on election issues. (12) Murder suspect transported to court.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 22 Mar. 1979 - 25 Mar. 1979

  • FILM S-1346
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  • 1979-03-22 to 1979-03-25

News: (1) Co-operative Programing Network. (2) Jill Jones on nursing cutbacks. (3) Jill Jones and S.U.N. convention footage. (4) Traffic lights power outage (?). (5) Barry Hotel exteriors. (6) Fire and assault on 7thSt. East. (7) Stabbing above Donald's Book Exchange. (8) Fire and assault on 7th St. East. (9) Car/train accident. (10) Roof(?) collapses at Warmen Arena. (11) Sharon Olm on city planning. (12 & 13) John Diefenbaker on Pierre Trudeau and running in the next election.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CBC. News clips. 1955

  • FILM S-1583
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  • 1955

News segments: (1) Streets scenes in Moscow, USSR (Russia). (2) Vita, Manitoba aftermath of storm? (3) Unidentified man and woman on murder in Mississippi. (4) Unidentified mass gathering in Buenos Aires. (5) Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip with two of their children in Scotland. (6) Queen Elizabeth II and family at Braemar games in Scotland. (7) Unidentified people arrive in Quebec. (8) Revolution in Argentina. (9) Speed boat racing. Bluebird boat sinks. (10) Unidentified footage in Ontario. (11) Greta Garbo at airport in Paris. (12) Marlene Dietrich performing in Las Vegas.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 14 Aug. 1973 - 18 Aug. 1973

  • FILM S-203
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  • 1973-08-14 to 1973-08-18

News: (1) Horse stable; riders, breeders, walking horses, etc. (colour) (silent). (2) Helen Kudryk on purchasing damaged goods (colour). (3) Reg Parker interviews Mr. Robinson on inflated food prices. (4) "Phantom Tourist" Board of Trade presentation to a person in an unspecified location (colour). (5) Unspecified award presentation [news item:"Emergency survey"]. (6) William Godsalve on a new crane for the city.(7) John Dolan on long-term jail sentences for petty crimes.(8) Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences graduation ceremony, Centennial Auditorium (silent). (9) Midwestern Melvyn horserace, Marquis Downs.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 22 Aug. 1973 - 25 Aug. 1973

  • FILM S-205
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  • 1973-08-22 to 1973-08-25

News: (1) Mr. Alter on coal recovery in Alaska. (2) City council session; traffic safety hearings (silent). (3) Jack Greening on compulsory government programs. (4) Art Thibault on government regulation of traffic safety. (5) Continuing Education Office opening; people sitting around an office (silent). (6) John Dolan on reintegrating older prisoners into society. (7) Mr. Mitchell on a railway strike. (8) "Phantom Tourist" Board of Trade presentation; an unidentified man receives an award in a Gulf service station (silent). (9) Unidentified man on the Port of Churchill and the rail strike. (10) Bruno Reimer on a national compulsory driver testing and vehicle inspection program. (11) Mr. Blanchette on minor hockey [NOTE: Wind distortion on soundtrack]. (12) Export A Handicap horse race, Marquis Downs.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 01 Oct. 1973 - 06 Oct. 1973

  • FILM S-218
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  • 1973-10-01 to 1973-10-06

News: (1) Twenty-one gun salute in front of Centennial Auditorium, commemorating the kick-off of the United Way Campaign. (2) Mr. Hannam on international incidents on the high seas. (3) Owen Buss news item at the Saskatoon Court House, on the murder trial of Douglas Kuipers and Jake Quiring. (4) Douglas Kuipers and Jake Quiring being escorted by Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers into the Court House (silent). (5) Eiling Kramer on enforcing unsafe vehicle and seatbelt laws. (6) Owen Buss news item at the Court House, on the verdict in the Kuipers and Quiring trial. (7) Construction workers building a large, unspecified building (silent). (8) Mr. Hewitt on a program designed to promote public examination of the New Democratic Party. (9) Extendicare nursing home exterior (silent).(10) Rev. Taylor on a clergy workshop on accepting mortality. (11) Don Somers on increasing the number of flight corridors into Saskatoon Airport. (12) Mr. Scharfe on a reorganization of rural school programs at the elementary and secondary school level. (13) Lorne Byrnes of the Saskatchewan School Trustees Association on the government's choices for an educational system. (14) "Young Voyageurs"; youths gathered at Saskatoon Airport, presumably waiting to depart.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)


  • FILM S-2378
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  • 2006 or before

News compilation: 1) Ron Shorvoyce reports from McDowell that the body of Stanley Robertson has been found by RCMP searchers. 2) Footage is shown of Stanley Robertson's house and surrounding area. Two unidentified people are standing by a vehicle. (silent) 3) Allan Thain reports from in front of a house that 19 year old Michael Johnson has been arrested after a shooting spree. 4) Police chief Jim Kettles and Mr. Levy debate on capital punishment. 5) Alice Grenier and Bruce Aldway relate their accounts as passengers on a hijacked plane that landed in Saskatoon, Nov. 29, 1974. (colour) 6) Jan Aubrey reports from the Saskatoon courthouse that a man from originally from Cypress has been found guilty of hijacking the plane on Jan. 29, 1974. (colour) 7) Mr. Higgins is being interviewed in a restaurant about the violence that has occurred in that establishment . (colour) 8) Jan Aubrey reports from the Saskatoon courthouse about the sentencing of David Threinen. (colour) 9) Footage of David Threinen being escorted from the courthouse in Saskatoon to a waiting vehicle. (silent, colour) 10) Four men, Mr. Hatchman, a store manager, a hotel manager, Ron, the manager of the YMCA and police chief Jim Kettles are interviewed about shoplifting. (colour) 11) Gerry Totten reports from the site in Rosthern where the body of an 11 year old missing girl, Loretta Rose Doyne, was found. (colour) 12) Footage of the Jan. 29, 1974 hijacker being escorted into the Saskatoon courthouse. (silent, colour) 13) Footage of the hijacked plane at the Saskatoon airport. (silent, colour) 14) Jim Matten reports from the Saskatoon courthouse about the trial of the hijacker. (colour) 15) A reporter, from inside the Saskatoon courthouse, states that Claude Rochon was acquitted of arson in the fire in his timber yard. (colour) 16) Claude Rochon and Mrs. Rochon are being interviewed in the Saskatoon courthouse about his acquittal of the charge of arson. (colour) 17) Deputy police chief, Hugh Fraser, is being interviewed about the missing children, Darlene Cranfield and Robert Grubesic. (colour) 18) Reg Parker, reporting from Cumberland Square in Saskatoon, says that the missing children were seen shortly after their abduction. (colour) 19) Footage of the Martinsville area where a police search for the missing children was being conducted, with a short commentary by Janice Aubrey. (colour) 20) Jim Mattern reports that Samantha Turner and Kathy Scott have been missing from the Sutherland area of Saskatoon. Footage of the search being organized by police is included.


CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 22 Nov. 1973 - 27 Nov. 1973

  • FILM S-238
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  • 1973-11-22 to 1973-11-27

News: (1) Mr. Bowman on minimum wage differences between provinces. (2) Norval Horner on additional rail cars to move grain. (3) Salvation Army kettles, downtown Saskatoon (silent). (4) Boy Scouts dinner and awards; presentation of medals to various men (silent). (5) City council session; Alderman Glen Penner on energy conservation by limiting time for city Christmas lights. (6) City council session; Mayor Bert Sears presents a scholastic bursary to a high school student. (7) City council session; Aldermen Geroge Taylor, Cliff Wright, and Glen Penner on various aldermanic inquiries. (8) City council session; Dr. Sam Landa on funding for "Participaction". (9) Judge Edward Hughes on youth shoplifting. (10) Mr. Green on a hepatitis outbreak in the University Hospital lab. (11) Alderman Don Koyl on a proposed increase in salaries for the aldermen and the mayor. (12) Dr. Sam Landa on city council's funding of "Participaction".

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 18 Dec. 1973 - 20 Dec. 1973

  • FILM S-247
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  • 1973-12-18 to 1973-12-20

News: (1) Saskatoon Airport; a man (Bill Story?) unloads a puppy from a "Bill Story's Ranchette" pick-up truck, and he carries the pup in a cage (silent). (2) Mr. Wilson on steps taken to conserve energy. (3) Ross(?) Rigney on resigning from the Saskatchewan School Trustees' Association. (4) Fire at the Holiday Inn construction site; fire fighters on scene (silent). (5) Ed Kasdurf on a new auditorium and expanded facilities for his unidentified school. (6) Mayor Bert Sears' Christmas message (colour). (7) People board a city bus to tour decorated homes (silent).(8) Saskatoon Police Chief James Kettles' Christmas message (colour). (9)Unidentified spokesman for University Hospital on a shortage of funding and space. (10) Don Somers on Continental Air flying to Regina, and on expanding Saskatoon air traffic. (11) Reg Parker news item on a robbery at the 33rd Street Co-op Credit Union. (12) Ed Kelly interviews Haden Wilkinson the 1974 edition of "Pioneer Days".

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

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