- S-B9206
- Unidad documental simple
- copied 1986 (originally created 191-?)
A horse drawn wagon parked in front of a Ukrainian house with a thatched roof, between Whitkow and Krydor, Saskatchewan. Inscription in Ukrainian on photo.
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A horse drawn wagon parked in front of a Ukrainian house with a thatched roof, between Whitkow and Krydor, Saskatchewan. Inscription in Ukrainian on photo.
First Threshing Machine in Whitkow District
Oxen pulling the first threshing machine on F. Kurylo's farm in the Whitkow, Saskatchewan district. Inscription in Ukrainian on photo.
A long row of automobiles owned by patrons of the store owned by M. Stashyn parked outside of the store in Whitkow, Saskatchewan. Inscription in Ukrainian on photo.
Members of Saskatoon City Golf Club
Unidentified members of the Saskatoon City Golf Club. Image taken by Steele, Saskatoon. Members are wearing golfing attire and holding golf clubs.
Photographs of orchestras in Regina, Saskatchewan
(1): Group photograph of members of a children's orchestra. Margaret "Peggy" Gale, a violinist, is standing in the back row, fourth from the left. Original matte frame was embossed with "Queen City Studio, 778 Hamilton Street, Regina" 192?
(2): Group photograph of the members of the Canadian Legion Orchestra, Regina, Saskatchewan, 1932-33. Margaret "Peggy" Gale is seated on the far left. Image taken by Butcher and Runnalls, Regina.
Photographs accumulated by Marshall Butcher
(1): Scanned photograph of men, women and children gathered outdoors at the Beckstead farm in the Creelman, Saskatchewan district, 1920?. Includes members of the Beckstead, Anderson and Butcher families.
(2): Scanned photograph of four men, including Alfred Beckstead, Percy Butcher and Bob Anderson, standing in front of a line of fish they caught, 1920s.
(3): Scanned panoramic photograph of Verwood, Saskatchewan taken by Percy Butcher of Capitol Studio, 1745 Scarth Street, Regina, July 1923. Buildings in view include Verwood Livery; Marshall Brothers; City Cafe; Verwood Pharmacy; Verwood Hardware Co.; Verwood Hotel; and J. Bracey General Merchandise. A Model T Ford automobile with an advertisement for Capitol Studio draped on it is included.
Percy Butcher, father of Marshall Butcher, came to Saskatchewan around 1912. He operated several photography businesses in Regina, Saskatchewan (Capitol Studio; Butcher and Runnalls).
Parade of children in Waldheim, Saskatchewan
Unidentified children parading down a street in Waldheim. A hardware store, pool room and Janzen Nickel & Son building are in view.
Postcard with four photographs of Alan Greenlees, a comedian and entertainer, and his signature, in which his first name is recorded as Alan. The postcard was produced by Barbeau Photo Co., Oswego, New York. The stamp on the back reads: Allan Greenlees, Scotch Comedian and Entertainer, 218 21st Street, Phone 5252, Saskatoon, Sask.
Buildings and people in Saskatchewan
Parte deLloyd G. Warkentin collection
(1)-(7): unidentified students and Lena (Lee) Warkentin (teacher) of Ashley Park School in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, 1955.
(8): Exterior view of Saskatoon Normal School in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 1947.
(9)-(11): Unidentified members of Brownies troop in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, with unidentified leaders. 196-
(12)-(14): Exterior views of the Church of God, a log building erected around 1927 in the Erwood, Saskatchewan district by a group of white Russians who had immigrated to Canada from Poland.
(15): Exterior view of Erwood Rural School District No. 4927 school, built around 1928 in the Erwood, Saskatchewan district.
(16): Colour postcard of downtown Saskatoon, Saskatchewan issued by The Postcard Factory, Toronto, Ontario. Photo by Ron Garnett. 198-?
(17): Business card for Norm McKay, operator of Great West Garage in Swift Current, Saskatchewan. The card has an image of an automobile parked in front of a red-brick house. 1955?
Memoir, photographs of W.D. Roberts
Digital copies of a memoir, written by William D. Roberts entitled, "From North Wales by Easy Stages via Virginia, Wisconsin and Saskatchewan, to Victoria, Vancouver Island" and accompanying photographs. Roberts details his experiences while homesteading in the Medstead, Saskatchewan district, serving in the First World War, during his career as a railway mail clerk, and other life experiences from 1896 to 1981, shortly before his death. Photographs depict Roberts in 1915, 1928 and in the 1930s.