Affichage de 400 résultats

Description archivistique
United Kingdom
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Entrance to Hyde Park
Entrance to Hyde Park
View of Buckingham Palace and gate from across the street
View of Buckingham Palace and gate from across the street
View of Wellington Arch
View of Wellington Arch
Doris Mabel Sealy (age 2)
Doris Mabel Sealy (age 2)
Doris Mabel Sealy (age 3)
Doris Mabel Sealy (age 3)
Cyril Dolman, standing on the left, with five other boys
Cyril Dolman, standing on the left, with five other boys
Cyril Dolman dressed in cowboy attire, spinning his lasso, when visiting in England
Cyril Dolman dressed in cowboy attire, spinning his lasso, when visiting in England
Cyril's 21st birthday in England
Cyril's 21st birthday in England
Cyril Dolman, in cowboy attire and playing guitar, stands next to the cabin at the back of childhood home in Berton-on-Trent
Cyril Dolman, in cowboy attire and playing guitar, stands next to the cabin at the back of childhood home in Berton-on-Trent
Edith Maude Sealy and Aubrey George Sealy riding bicycles
Edith Maude Sealy and Aubrey George Sealy riding bicycles
Résultats 1 à 10 sur 400