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McNaughton, Violet Clara

  • (S)A 1
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 1900-1964

Mrs. McNaughton (1879-1968) was the first president of the Women's Grain Growers Association and served for many years as women's editor of the Western Producer. Her records include personal and family correspondence; correspondence related to her work and interests; pamphlets and photographs.

St. John, Seward Thaddeus

  • (S)A 10
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 1900-1948

Autobiography of Seward Thaddeus St. John, a land agent and realtor, including his recollections of homestead days at Wilcox; immigration literature; pamphlets and clippings relating to Wilcox.

Reminiscences of James Rugg

  • (S)A 100
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 1961

Typewritten document written by James Rugg of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on June 1, 1961 entitled Pioneer life in a Sod Shack, relating to a sod house that was built in 1905; James Rugg's typewritten reminiscences of pioneer life near Saskatoon from 1903 to 1948.

Rugg, James, 1883-1964

Fink, Robert Martin

  • (S)A 1000
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 1975-1979

Records of writer and artist Robert M. Fink (1935-2016), including the newsletter "Crosscurrents", published by Greenwich-Meridian, a publishing company owned by Fink. Records also include printed copies of sheet music composed and published by Robert M. Fink and Greenwich-Meridian, and copies of his drawings used in advertisements, publication and personal use. Included as well are brochures, newspaper clippings and pamphlets regarding Fink's campaign for election as mayor of Saskatoon in 1978, promotional material about his two books "Continuum - The Evolution of Matter into Humankind," and "The Universality of Music," and various pamphlets and articles regarding anti-nuclear development in Saskatoon.

Saskatchewan Council of Archives administrative and operational records

  • (S)A 1001
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 1987-1997

Correspondence, minutes of meetings, financial statements, grant applications and publications relating to the Saskatchewan Council of Archives, 1987-1997. (Now known as the Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists).

Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform records collected by Benjamin G. Smillie

  • (S)A 1002
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 1993-2001

Records pertaining to the COMER Association (Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform), gathered by Benjamin Smillie in his role as a founding member of the Saskatchewan COMER branch. These records include newsletters, minutes, reports, publications, membership lists, financial records, flyers, constitution and correspondence.

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