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1 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

A group of eighteen military men
A group of eighteen military men
Aerial photographs of sorties of Groesbeek, Holland
Aerial photographs of sorties of Groesbeek, Holland
Aerial photographs of sorties over Nijmegen, Holland
Aerial photographs of sorties over Nijmegen, Holland
Album of Canadian Army Medical Corps nurses in England, Canadian troops, and the Great War
Album of Canadian Army Medical Corps nurses in England, Canadian troops, and the Great War
Album of Canadian nurses, physicians, W.W.I soldiers, family members, friends, areas in Canada and United Kingdom
Album of Canadian nurses, physicians, W.W.I soldiers, family members, friends, areas in Canada and United Kingdom
Baby girl Jean, Mrs. Bergot and Marie Bergot, eating at a table outdoors
Baby girl Jean, Mrs. Bergot and Marie Bergot, eating at a table outdoors
Banquet for Mgr. Cento, Papal Nuncio
Banquet for Mgr. Cento, Papal Nuncio
Banquet for Mgr. Cento, Papal Nuncio
Banquet for Mgr. Cento, Papal Nuncio
Bohdan Kazymyra arriving at Antwerp by boat with 3 other young men en route to Louvain
Bohdan Kazymyra arriving at Antwerp by boat with 3 other young men en route to Louvain
Results 1 to 10 of 57