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Saskatoon (Sk..) Item Sound recording
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Sound recordings from Directions: a Canadian conference on curriculum, instruction and leadership

  • SR-1467 to SR-1512
  • Item
  • 1985

Sound recordings from Directions: a Canadian conference on curriculum, instruction and leadership, held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 16-19, 1985. The conference was sponsored by Saskatchewan Education, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (STF), Saskatchewan School Trustees' Association (SSTA), LEADS [League of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents], University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan. Sound recordings made by Say It Again Recording Services, Saskatoon. The sound recordings were in circulation in the Saskatchewan Department of Education Resource Centre. The cards from the Resource Centre's card catalogue relating to the sound recordings are included in the same box as the sound recordings.

SR-1467: Communication and interaction in cross-cultural education - Yvonne M. Herbert
SR-1468: Banquet Address - Gerald J. McCarthy
SR-1469: The understressed: affective outcomes - Hellmut Lang (Dr. Helmut Lang)
SR-1470: Humane values: if they are so good, what keeps us from practicing them? - Dr. Garnet McDiarmid
SR-1471: L'evaluation au service de la qualite des apprentissages - Paul Vachon
SR-1472: The 2 Degree curve: educational directions in Saskatchewan - Dr. Rod A. Wickstrom
SR-1473: Bureaucracy, anarchy and structures in between: Leadership for excellence in educational organizations - Dr. Sue McKibbin
SR-1474: Educational leadership: a national and provincial perspective - Larry Moss, Doug Jennings, Herve Langlois
SR-1475: Leadership for instructional improvement: a framework for action - David McCabe et al. (Brososky/Renihan/Prentice/McCabe)
SR-1476: The school effectiveness movement: a critical analysis - Kris Breckman
SR-1477: Teachers and social issues - Robin M. Stuart and Dorothy M. Stanley
SR-1478: Multi-grades/Small Schools Project - Joel Gajadharsingh, Bert McNair, Isabel Azzopardi
SR-1479: Change and innovation: the native example - Sherry Farrell-Racette
SR-1480: Recurring themes in the U.S. school reform movement - Dr. Gordon Cawelti
SR-1481: Leading the horse to water and beyond - Earl Allan and Enid Lee
SR-1482: Turning theory into practice: the Baz experience - Jim Toews
SR-1483: Collaboration for educational improvement: the Saskatchewan experience - Brian Ward
SR-1484: How schools are doing strategic planning for the future - Dr. Gordon Cawelti
SR-1485: Schools research - Dr. Peter Mortimore
SR-1486: Schools research - Follow Up - Dr. Peter Mortimore
SR-1487: Teaching for thinking: classroom applications I - Dr. Selma Wasserman
SR-1488: School reviews: pursing effective processes - Ken Jesse
SR-1489: Leadership: the academy way - Anne Tingle
SR-1490: The complex act of teaching: is it humanly possible? - Dr. Art McBeath
SR-1491: Improving instruction: a first step - Ann Kilcher, Ray Petracek, Art McBeath
SR-1492: Mondays, marbles and chalk - Dr. Bob Sanche
SR-1493: Effective planning and evaluation - Carol Hunter
SR-1494: Understanding the change process: a step in the right direction - Jim MacKay
SR-1495: Educational computing - the costs, effects, and utility of microcomputer assisted instruction in the Kindersley School Division - Dr. David Hawley
SR-1496: Measuring school district effectiveness - Dr. Larry Sackney
SR-1497: The improved binoculars - Duncan Greene
SR-1498: System support for principal leadership - Bill Dever
SR-1499: Multicultural education: emerging issues for the late 1980s - Dean Wood
SR-1500: The school board as educational leader - Benjamin Levin
SR-1501: Levels of impact in a needs based system - Shirley McBride and Joe Waters
SR-1502: The Future? - Future Canadian Council Discussion
SR-1503: Improving student writing: development and implementation of elementary and secondary writing programs - Dr. Leo G. Marshall
SR-1504: The administrative leadership development program - Schultz/Connie Phenix-Burrows/Crozier-Smith/Donegan
SR-1505: The vision and the reality: Directions and Evaluation - Sam Robinson and Sandra Klenz
SR-1506: Curriculum implementation in the small school division: A Manitoba perspective - Colin Jamieson
SR-1507: Changing trends in Canada: the implications for education - Allan R. Gregg
SR-1508: A coat of many colors: the portrait of a high school principal - Penny Jones
SR-1509: Professional development: perpetuating the Hawthorne effect for greying educations - Patrick Baker
SR-1510: Maximizing curriculum implementation - Dr. Michael Fullan
SR-1511: Improving secondary education in Alberta - Dr. Phillip Lamoureux
SR-1512: Successful curriculum implementation: a team approach - John Weins

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - Lulu M. Bristow

  • Tape R-2204
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with Lulu Bristow (born 1907) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan conducted by Donald Habbick, a student at Grosvenor Park School, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated by the Saskatchewan Archives Board in 1980 to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - William R. Wood

  • Tape R-2205
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with William R. Wood (born 1923) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan conducted by Rebecca Riches, a student at Grosvenor Park School in Saskatoon, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated by the Saskatchewan Archives Board in 1980 to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - Rachel Neumann

  • Tape R-2206
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with Rachel Neumann (born 1917) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan conducted by Beth Solem, a student at Grosvenor Park School, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated by the Saskatchewan Archives Board in 1980 to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - Edith C. Simpson

  • Tape R-2207
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with Edith C. Simpson of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan conducted by Tom Caldwell, a student at Grosvenor Park School in Saskatoon, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated by the Saskatchewan Archives Board in 1980 to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - William J. Perehudoff

  • Tape R-2209
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with William Perehudoff (born 1910) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan conducted by Christine Smith, a student at Grosvenor Park School, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated by the Saskatchewan Archives Board in 1980 to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - Margaret Leaker

  • Tape R-2210
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with Margaret Leaker (born 1916) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan conducted by Michael Neufeld, a student at Grosvenor Park School, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated by the Saskatchewan Archives Board in 1980 to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - Jack Whitehouse

  • Tape R-2211
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with Jack Whitehouse (born 1893) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan conducted by Adam Dooley, a student at Grosvenor Park School, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated by the Saskatchewan Archives Board in 1980 to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - Ada L. Wollen

  • Tape R-2212
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with Ada Wollen (born 1911) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan conducted by Laura Williams, a student at Grosvenor Park School in Saskatoon, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated by the Saskatchewan Archives Board in 1980 to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - Doris Wiwchar

  • Tape R-2214
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with Doris Wiwchar (born 1912) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan conducted by Tracey Sharpe, a student at Grosvenor Park School, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated by the Saskatchewan Archives Board in 1980 to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

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