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Moose Jaw (Sask.) Item Sound recording
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Moose Jaw Band Capital of North America Theme Song

  • Disc R-476
  • Item
  • 1970

Side one is a recording of "The Band Capital of North America" theme song, performed by the Moose Jaw Sing-Out Group; side two is a recording of "The Band Capital of North America" theme march, performed by the Lions Junior "A" Band.

Grinstead, Bernie

Blacks in Saskatchewan History: Recent Immigrants - Irvine V. Weekes

  • Tape R-1259
  • Item
  • 1977

An audio interview with Irvine V. Weekes of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, a psychiatric nurse born in 1933, conducted by Trevor Rock, for the Blacks in Saskatchewan History: Recent Immigrants Oral History Project. Weekes describes his personal background and work experience in Jamaica, why he came to Canada, education and employment opportunities here, living conditions as compared to those in Jamaica and racial problems. A summary and release form are included.

A significant number of black immigrants came to Canada and Saskatchewan in the 1950s coming mainly from the West Indies. It is this group of people upon who Trevor Rock focused his study, hoping to provide a basis for comparing the experiences, problems and impressions of these new immigrants with those of earlier black pioneers. Discussion follows a basic pattern where people relate why they decided to immigrate to Canada, the benefits they have gained by coming to Saskatchewan, the social, economic and cultural problems they have encountered and how they have been able to contribute to Saskatchewan life.

Blacks in Saskatchewan History: Recent Immigrants - Roberto Amador Zayas

  • Tape R-1261
  • Item
  • 1977

An audio interview with Roberto Amador Zayas of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, born in 1933, conducted by Trevor Rock, for the Blacks in Saskatchewan History: Recent Immigrants Oral History Project. Zayas describes his personal background in Cuba, his experiences as a black baseball player playing in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Cuba, how he came to live in Saskatchewan, work experience here and racial problems he has encountered. A summary and release form are included.

A significant number of black immigrants came to Canada and Saskatchewan in the 1950s coming mainly from the West Indies. It is this group of people upon who Trevor Rock focused his study, hoping to provide a basis for comparing the experiences, problems and impressions of these new immigrants with those of earlier black pioneers. Discussion follows a basic pattern where people relate why they decided to immigrate to Canada, the benefits they have gained by coming to Saskatchewan, the social, economic and cultural problems they have encountered and how they have been able to contribute to Saskatchewan life.

Don Mitchell & Martha Tracy August 7, 1989 Moose Jaw 1/1 AEB

An interview with Don Mitchell interviewed by Dennis Gruending for his book on Allan E. Blakeney called, PROMISES TO KEEP. Mitchell begins by describing the left of the NDP and his place in it in the late 1960's before and during the formation of the Waffle movement. He goes on to talk about Allan Blakeney's leadership role in regards to the Waffle movement. He also talks about the 1971 Saskatchewan provicial election and the land bank. Mitchell then goes on to discuss his situation in the late 1960's and how he met Allan Blakeney and what he thought of him as a politician. They talk about Jack Messer's opinion of why Woodrow Lloyd left his position as premier. They also discuss the land bank, Allan Blakeney as premier, the 1975 Saskatchewan provincial election, potash, privatization and uranium. Copied to ACD R-15607.

Automobile Insurance Reparations Hearings at Moose Jaw

Hearings held in Moose Jaw by a committee created to hear submissions from the public and other interested parties on proposals by the Saskatchewan Government Insurance Office (SGIO) to rewrite portions of the automobile insurance act. Moose Jaw is one of several locations in the province where reparations hearings were held. See audio recordings R-15656 to R-15668.

Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Government Insurance Office

Premier Devine in Moose Jaw

Speech: Premier Grant Devine speaks to people in Moose Jaw concerning increasing tourism in and around Moose Jaw, structural changes, trade, agriculture. Followed by a two minute question and answer period. *Only Grant Devine's speech has been described.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - Lucille Ball

  • Tape R-2078
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with Lucille Ball (born 1925) of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan conducted by Cheryl Goebel, a student at Palliser Heights School, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated by the Saskatchewan Archives Board in 1980 to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - Anna McDonald

  • Tape R-2079
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with Anna McDonald (born 1912) of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan conducted by Heather Hudson, a student at Palliser Heights School in Moose Jaw, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated in 1980 by the Saskatchewan Archives Board to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Children and Grandparents Oral History Program - Vera Dunlop

  • Tape R-2080
  • Item
  • 1980

An audio interview with Vera Dunlop (born 1914) of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan conducted by Lisa Clements, a student at Palliser Heights School in Moose Jaw, for the Children and Grandparents Oral History Program, initiated in 1980 by the Saskatchewan Archives Board to commemorate Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary. A summary and release form are included.

Results 1 to 10 of 65