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Borderline Memories

Local history of the town of Loverna, Saskatchewan and the school districts of Antelope Park, Claremont, Grattle, Pizarro, Rock Plains, Saskalta, Springville, South Loverna and Stratton. Compiled and published by the Loverna History Book Committee. Printed by Friesen Printers.

Borderline Memories

Local history of the town of Loverna, Saskatchewan and district published by Loverna New Horizon and printed by Friesen Printers in Altona, Manitoba.

Bridging the Centuries

Volumes 1 and 2 of the local history of the villages of Shackleton, Abbey and Lancer and Portreeve, Saskatchewan and districts published by the Miry Creek Area History Book Committee in Abbey, Saskatchewan. Printed by Friesens Corporation.

Bridging the Past (Volume II): Wolseley 1898-1998

Local history book compiled by Wolseley and District History Book Committee in Wolseley, Saskatchewan. Includes information on Colonel Garnet J. Wolseley; the Rural Municipality of Wolseley No. 155; Ernscliffe School District No. 473 and Wolf Hill School District No. 823.

Brief History of the Town of Balgonie and District

History of the town of Balgonie, Saskatchewan and district compiled by the Balgonie 75th Pictorial and History Display Committee to commemorate the town's 75th anniversary in 1982. The history is arranged in chronological order by year with brief highlights for each year.

Broadview and district

Unpublished document entitled Links with the Past: Historical and Natural Sites in the Broadview Area. Includes information on historical cairns and markers and natural landmarks in and around the town. Compiled to mark the 75th anniversary of the town's establishment. Also included in document is a historical sketch of Spring Lake United Church from 1884 to the 1970s. (19 p.)

Unpublished history of Highland Baptist Church at Broadview, entitled Beginnings in the Twentys [sic]. Profiles the church, decade by decade, from the 1920s to the 1970s. (25 p.)

Results 61 to 70 of 445