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Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan
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Item component includes two segments entitled: Honouring Robert Grierson Coombe; The VC. Component appears on pages 2 and 3.

Segment on Robert Grierson Coombe provides a brief description of Coombe and the records held in the Saskatchewan Archives. Segment is supplemented by an image of the portrait of a seated Coombe in his military uniform that is displayed at the Saskatchewan Archives' Regina Hillsdale location.

Segment on The VC is a description of the of the Victoria Cross medal that was awarded posthumously to Robert Coombe and the associated records held at the Saskatchewan Archives. Segment is supplemented by a transcription of a letter Coombe's widow received from Ronald O. Wheatley - who had served with Coombe. In addition there is an image of the Victoria Cross, and a photograph of the ceremony in which Mrs. Coombe received her husband's Victoria Cross.

Williams, Myrna


Item component includes three segments entitled: Great War era newspaper digitization increases public access; Heritage celebrations : Archives week 2014; Saying good-bye to colleagues. Component appears on pages 2 and 3.

Segment on Great War era newspaper digitization describes the collaboration project between Saskatchewan History Online and the Saskatchewan Archives to digitize and make available the Archives' newspaper collection. Segment is supplemented by an image of the cover for the July 4, 1916 issue of the Moose Jaw Daily News (Home edition) that show articles on activities occuring at the European front in World War One.

Segment on Archives Week identifies activities held in Saskatoon and Regina by the Saskatchewan Archives in partnership with the Saskatchewan Council of Archives and Archivists (SCAA) - including the Saskatoon Hertitage Festival, celebrity reader events, and presentation on Christina Bateman fonds. Segmented is supplemented by images showing Donald Johnson of the Sasktchewan Archives cutting a special cake for the atteendees of the Regina celebrity reading event; and two photographs of attendees at the Regina celebrity reading. All three photographs taken by Don Williams.

Segment on Saying good-bye to colleagues provides brief biographical sketches of three past and current employees who passed away since the last issue of Saskatchewan History was published: John Yewman; K. B. Sterling; and Ed Morgan. Segment supplemented by images of each former colleague.

Williams, Myrna

A Paper chase : The Prentice G. Downes fonds

Item component is an article containing the impressions on the contents and importance of the records for Prentice Gilbert Downes that were recently acquired by the Saskatchewan Archives. Impressions are provided with contributions from: Saskatchewan Archives' archivist Catherine Holmes; book editor Robert (Bob) Cockburn; McGahren Stewart Publishing company representative Hugh Stewart; northern researcher and Saskatchewan History contributor Les Oysteryk; and Saskatchewan History editor Myrna Williams. Component appears on pages 6 to 11.

Component is supplemented by images showing: journal entry by P. G. Downes; Downes carrrying goods and a paddle during one of his trips to northern Saskatchewan; First Nations' woman and child in a tent; First Nations' child standing near a tent where goods are piled outside; group of First Nations' People awaitng payment for signing over lands; caribou meat drying on racks adjacent a tent; John Custer; Downes wading at the stern of a canoe that is near shore of body water; group of First Nations People seated outside the opening of a tent; and Downes seated with pipe at the docks with a floatplane and boat visibile.

Williams, Myrna

Canadian War Memorial prints at SAB

Item component is a description of how a series of prints that depict destruction on the Western Front during World War One (Canadian War Memorial Prints), that were purchased by Saskatchewan's Department of Public Works for a proposed Provincial War Museum came to be in the possesion of the Provincial Archives. Component appears on pages 14 to 17.

Article includes a list of the prints in the holdings of the Provincial Archives; and is supplmeented by reproductions of five of these prints ("Berthonval Farm"; "St. Jacques, Ypres", "Evening at Ypres", "Entering Ypres at Dawn"; and "La Grand Place, Arras").

Article is supplemented by photographs that depict: Gladys Crim, some colleagues and convalescent soldiers - Crim is shown holding bagpipes; unidentified nurse working on the ankle area of an unidentified solder; rows of soldiers laid out on stretchers with one nurse; from the funeral service for nurse Margaret Lowe, soldiers standing at attention with a small group holding a flag-draped coffin; an unidentified soldier (missing one leg) with a crutch under one arm and holding a fish in the opposite hand; and, "Queen Mary Tea Room at Woodcote Park Convalescent Hospital" with armed forces personnel at tables and at left someone at the piano.

Article is supplemented by drawings showing: the surrender of three German soldiers (captioned "Merci Komrad"); a single grave marker ("To an unknown British soldier killed in action at Ypres 29 April 1915") that was drawn by Corporal R. Gordon-Cumming; a man and woman (from behind) accompanied by two poems; German soldier as a "proposed design for the stained glass window of the future" accompanied by a poem by Corporal R. Gordon Cumming; a figure holding on to a post through which a shell has passed through (caption "The Last Post"); and a soldier smoking a cigarette whose smoke transforms into the image of a nurse (accompanied by note from C. R. Alexander).

Article includes coloured drawings (paintings?) showing: trees stripped of foliage and bomb bursts in air (captioned "Land marks of Ypres"); and a damaged building that has a path leading from foreground to background with an orange / red sky.

Williams, Myrna

Dad and Nicotash : True friends

Item component is the personal reminiscences of Peggy Looby of her family and their relationship with a First Nations' man Nicotash during their time in east central Saskatchewan of the 1930s. Component is accompanied by an image showing Ou-qui-chass, called Nicotash by the author and her family. Component appears on pages 18 to 19.

Williams, Myrna

Unparalleled service : A Tribute to Dr. C. S. Houston

Item component is a biogrphy of Dr. Clarence Stuart Houston with particular emphasis on his efforts as a medical doctor (in Yorkton and Saskatoon) and his interest in birds and natural history - including the banding of birds. Component appears on pages 12 to 14.

Component is supplemented by images showing: Dr. C. S. Houston pulling a rabbit from an owl's nest; Dr. C. S. Houston banding an osprey in its nest atop a tree; Dr. C. S. Houston and Stanley Peters preparing a safety belt for use as they rappel down a cliff to band Golden Eagles; and Dr. C. S. Houston helping to se up mist neeting for sandpipers at Porter Lake.

Williams, Myrna