Item component is a description of how a series of prints that depict destruction on the Western Front during World War One (Canadian War Memorial Prints), that were purchased by Saskatchewan's Department of Public Works for a proposed Provincial War Museum came to be in the possesion of the Provincial Archives. Component appears on pages 14 to 17.
Article includes a list of the prints in the holdings of the Provincial Archives; and is supplmeented by reproductions of five of these prints ("Berthonval Farm"; "St. Jacques, Ypres", "Evening at Ypres", "Entering Ypres at Dawn"; and "La Grand Place, Arras").
Article is supplemented by photographs that depict: Gladys Crim, some colleagues and convalescent soldiers - Crim is shown holding bagpipes; unidentified nurse working on the ankle area of an unidentified solder; rows of soldiers laid out on stretchers with one nurse; from the funeral service for nurse Margaret Lowe, soldiers standing at attention with a small group holding a flag-draped coffin; an unidentified soldier (missing one leg) with a crutch under one arm and holding a fish in the opposite hand; and, "Queen Mary Tea Room at Woodcote Park Convalescent Hospital" with armed forces personnel at tables and at left someone at the piano.
Article is supplemented by drawings showing: the surrender of three German soldiers (captioned "Merci Komrad"); a single grave marker ("To an unknown British soldier killed in action at Ypres 29 April 1915") that was drawn by Corporal R. Gordon-Cumming; a man and woman (from behind) accompanied by two poems; German soldier as a "proposed design for the stained glass window of the future" accompanied by a poem by Corporal R. Gordon Cumming; a figure holding on to a post through which a shell has passed through (caption "The Last Post"); and a soldier smoking a cigarette whose smoke transforms into the image of a nurse (accompanied by note from C. R. Alexander).
Article includes coloured drawings (paintings?) showing: trees stripped of foliage and bomb bursts in air (captioned "Land marks of Ypres"); and a damaged building that has a path leading from foreground to background with an orange / red sky.