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CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)
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  • FILM S-1604
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  • 19--

Series: (1) A day in the life of the Saskatoon Star Phoenix newspaper (mostly silent).

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 10 Mar. 1973 - 14 Mar. 1973

  • FILM S-165
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  • 1973-03-10 to 1973-03-14

News: (1) Opening ceremonies, Postal Bonspiel; teams, piper, first rock thrower (silent). (2) James Gardiner on a bill for an agricultural board. (3) A house at 416 27th Street West (silent). (4) Natives gathered in a room, watching an off-screen presentation or speakers (silent). (5) Careers Expo; youths tour various displays (silent). (6) Train and car crash aftermath; wrecked car near a train track, police investigators on scene (silent). (7) Allan Guy on Premier Allan Blakeney's policies. (8) Unidentified spokesman for "Targya" magazine, on its Saskatchewan content. (9) "Targya" layout sheets, and meeting (silent). (10) "Draggins" car club certificate presentation to Hoi Toi Tong (silent). (11) Dr. Witold Zaleski on a disability fund. (12) Everett Murphy on government municipal spending. (13) Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities convention where Mr. Murphy is speaking (silent). (14) Jack Messer speaking at the S.A.R.M. convention on farm ownership. (15) 21st Street East parking mall, downtown Saskatoon (silent).

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 12 Aug. 1975 - 15 Aug. 1975

  • FILM S-515
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  • 1975-08-12 to 1975-08-15

News: (1) Doug Pearce about emergency housing for university students. (2) Police Commissioner Kettles about commissionaires employed at police dention centres. (3) Otto Lang about international wheat sales. (4) Scenes of bathroom fixtures being manufactured. (5) Shots of the 25th Street Bridge (silent). (6) Walter Podiluk about the shortage of teachers for the school system. (7-8) Mr. Derkson about the definition of news. (9) Mr. Fast on the shortage of teachers in the province.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 15 Aug. 1975 - 17 Aug. 1975

  • FILM S-516
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  • 1975-08-15 to 1975-08-17

News: (1) Mr. Kohaly about a programme for youth sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion. (2) Mr. Hodspath about the growth of local community press in Canada. (3) Ed Whelan about an unidentified topic. (4) Ed Whelan about the price of gasoline. (5) Interview with man on unidentified topic. Includes shots of production line at Johnson and Son Limited plant (silent).

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 15 June 1966 - 23 Feb. 1967

  • FILM S-1737
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  • 1966-06-15 to 1967-02-23

News: (1) Blind people picnic and games (silent). (2) Douglas McFarlane, Minister of Agriculture, at the Livestock Convention, on demand for livestock (magnetic sound). (3) News item on the Idylwyld Freeway (magnetic sound). (4) Jaycee's Club investment seminar, Hotel Bessborough (silent). (5) Mayor Sid Buckwold on traffic accident reduction. (6) Mardi Gras; dance, carnival, casino; Hotel Bessborough (silent). (7) Mrs. Brent, president of the Canadian Association of Consumers, on consumer protection. (8) Farm feed lot; cattle (silent). (9) College of Law mock trial competition (silent). (10) Service station, exterior and interior (silent). (11) Glen Penner on teacher salary negotions. (12) L.L. Lloyd on duplication in cooperative services (magnetic sound). (13) Mr. Brown on homes for mentally handicapped children. (14) Funeral procession in front of a church, for Foster Matheson (silent). (15) Stirling McDowell on the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation offering support to Quebec teachers. (16) The new Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper building, exteriors and interiors (silent). (17) Dave Tkatchuk, Student Union president, University of Saskatchewan, on closed faculty meetings. (18) Mrs. Sutherland-Boggs on the National Gallery of Canada (magnetic sound). (19) Presentation ceremony and raising of Centennial flag at St. Edward school (silent). (20) Presentation of citizenship certificates by Mayor Sid Buckwold and the Credit Union (silent). (21) Ray Hnatyshyn on the national Progressive Conservative convention date. (22) Dr. Matthews on support for mentally handicapped children. (23) Mrs. Gundacker on bargaining alongside the Saskatchewan Nurses' Association. (24) Mr. Rosenfeld on the Jaycee's "Fire Festival". (25) "Fire Festival"; ice sculpture, crowning the Snow Queen (silent). (26) Premier W. Ross Thatcher on the provincial budget. (27) "Fire Festival" snowshoe and dog races (silent). (28) "Fire Festival" demolition derby (silent). (29) Doug Stephen of the Wildlife Service, on conserving land for wildlife. (30) Edmonton, Alberta; Chateau Lacombe hotel grand opening (silent). (31) Mr. Deverell of the New Democratic Youth, on a report on the cost of living for young adults. (32) Unidentified construction site at the University of Saskatchewan. (33) Mr. Godbout on an increase in the cost of haircuts. (34) M. Wild, a Boy Scout, wins the "Vanier Award" at a Scout dinner (silent). (35) Mr. Towstego on the Saskatchewan Travel Association's plans for the tourism industry (magnetic sound). (36) Rosetown; fire aftermath (silent). (37) Unidentified man on antique car restoration at the Western Development Museum.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 17 Jan. 1979 - 19 Jan. 1979

  • FILM S-1297
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  • 1979-01-17 to 1979-01-19

News: (1 & 2) Mr. Diltz on the Mendel Art Gallery's administration policy. (3) Mr. Diltz and David Scott at press conference. Janice Aubrey extro on Mendel Art Gallery. (4 to 7) Mr. Naysmith on native land claims. (8) Bruce Pultz on the Saskatoon Airport. (9) Land for sale near airport. Airplane. (10) Star Phoenix newspaper headline, "Fischer murder trial in hands ofjury". (11) Saskatoon City Council (poor audio). (12) Terrence Stevens onhealth hazards of potash dust. (13 & 14) Martin Irwin on land use andexpropriation. Footage of Martin Irwin. (15) Hoarfrost footage. (16 & 17)Unknown Mayors on Canadian unity. Unknown Mayors sign petition on Canadian Unity in Unity, Sask. (18) Sandi Coleman extro on Unity.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 21 Apr. 1979 - 23 Apr. 1979

  • FILM S-1364
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  • 1979-04-21 to 1979-04-23

News: (1) Mr. McNiece on curling. (2 & 3) Mr. Warwick on the North Battleford Telegraph newspaper. Telegraph footage. (4) Car accident. (5) Warman flood footage. (6) Dr. Dennis Kendel on direct billing patients. (7) Saskatchewan Medical Association footage. (8) Terry Rak speaks to Saskatoon City Council about bowling alleys. (9) Saskatoon City Council on unknown issue (poor audio).

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 24 Sept. 1979

  • FILM S-1478
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  • 1979-09-24

Newsclips: (1) Prostheses (artificial limbs) being made. (2) Herman Rolfes at press conference (wildsound). (3) Various footage dealing with the handicapped. (4) Finacial Times newspaper footage dealing with Saskatchewan. (5) Edgar Kaeding on railway transportation. (6) James Wasilenko on handicapped services. (6) Edgar Kaeding (silent). (7) Saskatoon City Council on unknown health issue. (8) Saskatoon City Council on traffic saftey issues. (9) Saskatoon City Council discuss centennial date of Saskatoon.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. Aug. 1968

  • FILM S-1778
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  • 1968-08

News: (1) Travellers Day Parade. (2) Pionera parade. (3) Mr. Child on Burns Food Ltd. (4) John Hart on construction strike. (5) Burns Food Ltd. convention delegates. (6) Dr. Gregory on space research. (7) Travellers Day Parade Association luncheon. (8) Phantom tourist award to Ann Colter of Eaton's. (9) Traffic fatality on Ruth St. (10) Mr. Mallough on the Travellers Day Parade. (11) R.L. Hanbidge at exihibition opening ceremony. (12) Nova Scotia students tour CFQC-TV station. (13) Seniors at exhibition. (14) Elwood Hart on Exhibition activities. (15) Newspaper Association convention. (16) Farm machinery at Exhibition. (17) The Jacobi family receive tourist of the month award. (18) Unidentified presentation ceremony. (19) Phantom tourist award to Del Wood. (20) Decoration Day ceremony. (21) Jack Byers on fundraising for the Young Men's Christian Association building. (22) Automobile safety check. (23) Students tour Star Phoenix newspaper building. (24) Cy MacDonald on treament centre for problem teenage girls. (25) Construction of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. (26) Combine grain loss indicating device. (27) Elwood Hart on Exhibition dates for 1969. (28) Jim Kettles on police youth section. (29) Mr. Forsyth on Pike Lake development. (30) Walter Podiluk on education. (31) Four wheel steering tested on automobile.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. Aug. 1971

  • FILM S-1861
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  • 1971-08

News: (1) Student newspaper editors workshop. (2) Walter Podiluk education issue. (3) Sid Buckwold on service charges for sewage/water. (4) Bessborough Hotel exteriors and Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant exteriors. (5) Arnold Smith on effects of higher minimum wage on business. (6) Mr. Conrad on Skylab objectives. (7) Sid Buckwold on economic conditions. (8) Paul Hellyer on Action Canada as a political party. (9) Pioneer and Indian costume event at Midtown Plaza. (10) Sid Buckwold at Robinson Store opening ceremonies. Robinson Store interiors. (11) Phantom tourist award to George Woo. (12) Clinic for children with "lazy eye". (13) Hugh Faulkner working with children. (14) Opportunity for Youth Program (O.Y.P) meeting. (15) Sid Buckwold on city budget surplus. (16) War memorial service at Woodlawn Cemetery. (17) Picnic at Kinsmen Park.(18) Derrick Carroll storm sewer construction. (19) Mr. Milliken receives award for his work on Homecoming '71. (20) Funeral for Police Inspector Robert Kinzel. (21) Recreation units "Skit Night". (22) Otto Lang on import surcharge issue. (23) T. Barry on adult education issue. (24) Mrs. Townsend on her 100th foster child. (25) Tommy Lennon on increased number of fires in 1971. (26) Boy Scouts "Rover Conference". (27) "Sonic 500" car rally. (28) Bicycle race at Midtown Plaza. (29) CPGA golf tournament opening ceremonies (with Sid Buckwold). (30) Clarence Campbell on hockey wage increase freeze.

CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.)

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