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CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 01 June 1966 - 25 June 1966

  • FILM S-1707
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  • 1966-06-01 to 1966-06-25

News: (1) Play at University of Saskatchewan Theatre Department (silent). (2) Kinsmen Karnival exhibition (silent). (3) Dr. A.N. Burton on a possible virus outbreak. (4) A woman takes a census at a house (silent). (5) Mosquito control truck sprays neighbourhood trees (silent). (6) Federal Agriculture minister Joe Green at the Forestry Farm Park (silent).(7) Wardair 727 passenger jet at Saskatoon Airport (silent). (8) People sorting "Pionera" coins (silent). (9) Allan Hustak news item on the College of Law and Commerce buildings under construction at the U. of S. (10) A boy and a dog [news item: "Lost boy found in doghouse"] (silent). (11) Student art day (silent). (12) Mr. Stubbins on contacting groups assisted by the United Appeal. (13) Prof. Wilfrid John Rae retirement dinner (silent). (14) Mr. Tkachuk, Student Union president, U. of S., on rent increases for student housing. (15) City hospital graduation; nurses receive certificates (silent). (16) Canadian assistant trade ministers inspect an assembly line (silent). (17) People in early 1900's costumes sing at a piano (silent). (18) Ed Schreyer on the longshoreman's strike. (19) Sterling MacDowell on teachers who were dismissed unfairly.(20) Dance competition (silent). (21) Air force day; people look at military displays (silent). (22) Dr. Brand on the Fowler Report on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. (23) Mr. Tomecko on national involvement in Expo '67 in Montreal. (24) Parapalegic Safe-Driving Rodeo(silent). (25) Armed Forces parade; cadets, reserve, bands, wreath-laying ceremony (silent). (26 & 27) Mayor Cole on the Land Deal Report inquiry.(28) Car accident, 21st Street and Avenue A; car accident, 25th Street and Clarence Avenue (silent). (29) Construction workers fix up the fair sitefor "Pionera Days" (silent). (30) Kinsmen Karnival; people ride various carnival rides (silent). (31) Mayor Cole on locating a heavy water plantin Saskatoon. (32) Road crews lay pavement on Circle Drive (silent). (33) "Phantom Tourist" Board of Trade presentation to a waitress at the Del Restaurant (silent). (34) A driver demonstrates his car's automatic power doors (silent). (35) Mr. Gibbings, president of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, on adjusting global wheat prices. (36) Roy Atkinson on getting wheat to China and Russia. (37) Annual Pretetic Convention; food displays (silent). (38) Cars drive down muddy and wet streets (silent). (39) Car accident aftermath on Saskatchewan Crescent (silent). (40) Doug Grant on recent rainfall in Saskatoon and area. (41) "Pionera" breakfast; people in 1900's garb enjoy breakfast in the park (silent). (42) Terminal car control office, CNR (silent). (43) "Pionera" party at the Elk's Club (silent). (44) "Phantom Tourist" Board of Trade presentation at Caswell's Men's Wear (silent). (45) "Beauty Queen" contest (silent). (46) Fire control display (silent). (47) W. Ross Thatcher on the


CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. 12 Nov. 1966 - 27 Dec. 1966

  • FILM S-1726
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  • 1966-11-12 to 1966-12-27

News: (1) J. Ruddinger on measuring and testing Charolais cattle. (2) Dean Dickson, football coach at Bedford Road Collegiate, on high school football. (3) Gordon Currie, coach of the Regina Rams football team, speaking at a football dinner, on Paul Dojack, and on winning against the Montreal Maple Leafs (magnetic sound). (4) S. Halter speaks at a football dinner in Regina (magnetic sound). (5) Eagle Keyes speaking at the football dinner, on the Regina Rams, Saskatchewan Roughriders, and football (magnetic sound). (6) Don Smith, coach of the Saskatoon Quakers hockey team, on hockey. (7) Basketball; University of Saskatchewan vs. Wayland, Texas (silent). (8) Lynn Bannister, coach of the Saskatoon Macs hockey team, on a new junior hockey league. (9) Speed skating (silent). (10) Bowling award presentation and bowling game (silent). (11) High school basketball tournament (silent). (12 & 13) Jim Kemp on "Jubilee Games", an indoor track meet, and on running. (14) B. Stensrud on "Jubilee Games" tickets.


CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. Dec. 1969

  • FILM S-1815
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  • 1969-12

News: (1) Mr. Smith on unknown issue. (2) George Gillis on United Appeal fundraising. (3) Sid Buckwold presents merit award to Marilies Heimburger. (4) Derrick Carroll on garbage collection. (5) Kiwanis Club cheque presentation. (6) Ivor Flower on Christmas postal service. (7) Mr. Charlebois on north/south railroad issue. (8) Don Koyl on mobile home fees. (9) Mr. Klombies on John Dolan School finances. (10) Mr. Dantow on mercury pollution. (11) Mr. Byers on Young Men's Christian Association fundraising. (12) Whitebirch Animal Hospital. (13) Mr. Marsland on Salvation Army Christmas toy depot. (14) Mr. Heggie on election act changes. (15) Sid Buckwold on city administration changes. (16) Interiors of new Saskatchewan Teachers Federation building. (17) Don Brinton on Citizen of the Year award. (18) Dr. Bardwell on University enrollment. (19) Board of Trade "Champions Banquet". (20) Board of Trade President, Mr. Alexander. (21) Mr. Niebergall on Jaycees Club projects. (22) Sid Buckwold on city millrate. (23) Alf Gleave on grain trade with Russia. (24) Symphony rehearse Handel's Messiah (silent). (25) Hospital workers demonstration. (26) Mr. Chyzowski on break down teacher salary negotiations. (27) Willis Warner on Christmas long distance phoning. (28) Railroad shipping containers. (29) Tom Milne retires from City Council. (30) Evelyn Edwards on unknown issue. (31) Mr. Kuhn and Mr. Hornsby recieve life saving awards. (32) Ron Shorvoyce reports on taxation. Dave Steuart on tax increase. (33) Postal service workers. (34) Sid Buckwold on use of firearms by police. (35) CFQC staff with Christmas parcels. (36) Woodrow Lloyd on tax increases. (37) Mr. Newman on taxation.


CFQC (Television station : Saskatoon, Sask.). News clips. Aug. 1970

  • FILM S-1827
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  • 1970-08

News: (1) Mr. Thompson on Winter Games lottery. (2) Ron Shorvoyce reports on Legislative Bill 2. (3) Mr. Ellis on the Yellowhead Highway opening ceremony. (4) Phantom Tourist Award to Pat O'Brien. (5) Mr. Kindrachuk on summer school education. (6) Children on amusement rides at Kinsmen Park. (7) Mr. Hazen on upcoming Kinsmen Club convention. (8) Sid Buckwold on speedskating oval facilities. (9) Don Koyl on car allowance issue. (10) Photographers show at the library. (11) Saskatoon swimming pools. (12) Sandbox competion at Parks and Recreation Units. (13) Evelyn Edwards on use for vacant nurses residence. (14) Mr. Ristau on increase of residental sales. (15) Mr. Brown on student grain for fees program. (16) Cliff McIsaac on employment prospects for new teachers. (17) Cy McDonald on the Canada Winter Games. (18) Opening ceremony at Cedars Villa. (19) Mr. Waschuk on "Woodtick" music festival. (20) Saskatoon Berry Festival. (21) Phantom Tourist Award to Jack Knapp. (22) Soap Box Derby cars are inspected (with Miles Newman). (23) Cy McDonald on welfare use increase. (24) Ron Shorvoyce reports on oil drilling at Shell Lake. Bob Milner on oil drilling. (24) Horticultural Society's city garden tour. (25) Sewer cave in, five men injured. (26) Sid Buckwold pays tribute to the Canada Winter Games. (27) Miss Teenage Canada visits Childrens Rehabilitation Centre. (28) Mr. Turner on Urban Indian Society. (29) Tourist trade award to The Pedde family. (30) Soap box car derby. (31) Mr. Friesen on teachers issue in Eston - Elrose. (32) William Godsalve on spending cuts issue. (33) Mr. Dorgan on University of Saskatchewan registration issue. (34) United States Ambassador Schmidt (at Saskatoon Airport) gives his views on Saskatchewan. (35) Stirling McDowell on teachers issues. (36) Mr. Richardson on walkathon fundraising. (37) Phantom tourist award to Joyce Horst.



  • FILM S-2278
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  • 2006 or before

News compilation: 1) Evelyn Edwards campaigning for the Saskatoon civic election, 2) announcing that she will be seeking re-election in the upcoming Saskatoon civic election, 3) interviewed about the Saskatoon city council commission's report on appointments to various city committees, 4) her remarks at the opening ceremonies of the Dr. J.F.C. Anderson Coronany Care Unit at Saskatoon's City Hospital,
5) announces her intention to run as a Saskatoon city mayorality candidate,
6) interviewed, as a mayorality candidate, about her views on health care issues and the better utilization of hospital resources, 7) promotes Pioneer Days at the Western Development Museum, includes shots of some of the displays at the museum, 8) shots of her skating on the skating rink located in front of the saskatoon city hall (silent), 9) interviewed about her views on how budget cutbacks will hurt hospital services, 10) interview about her views on how a new bridge would benefit the city's Sutherland area, 11) footage of her funeral (silent), 12) footage of her running as a Liberal candidate (silent), 13) footage of her funeral (silent).



  • FILM S-2279
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  • 1979 or before

News compilation: 1) John George Diefenbaker shown with his wife Olive, his mother Mary Diefenbaker and brother at Christmas, 1956, opening gifts with decorated tree in the background (silent), 2) a post 1957 election rally, held in a large hall, welcoming the Prime Minister and Olive back to Prince Albert (silent), 3) footage of him receiving an honourary degree from the University of Saskatchewan (silent), 4) footage of him and Olive enroute to Edmonton by plane (silent), 5) footage of him and Olive deplaning at the Saskatoon airport (silent), 6) a speech in which he talks about defence research projects Canada is working on in conjuntion with its allies, 7) footage of him, Olive and his brother opening gifts at Christmas, 1958, with decorated tree in the background (silent), 8) footage of him, Olive, his brother and his mother at Christmas, 1957 (silent), 9) shots of him and Olive at Saskatoon's train station (silent), 10) his 1960 Christmas message to Canadians, 11) interview in which he talks about the upcoming British Commonwealth prime ministers' conference; his opposition to the militarization of space; Canada's relations with France, Russia and the United States; and federal/provinicial relations.



  • FILM S-2280
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  • 1979 or before

News compilation: 1) John George Diefenbaker talks about the importance of having annual National Conservative Association meetings, 2) fooatge of him at the opening dedication ceremonies of the post office building in odwntown Saskatoon (silent), 3) he discusses the his wish for a second trans-Canada highway and international wheat sales, 4) excerpts of speech in which he addresses the Progressive Conservative's election defeat, the strength of the economy and the growth of the economies of the western provinces, 5) interview in which he discusses the upcoming session of Parliament and some of the issues the government will have to address, 6) he comments on the Liberal Party's failure to keep election promises, 7) portions of an interview in which he comments on the tenous friendship between Prime Minister Lester Pearson and President John Kennedy and on his plan to call for a Progressive Conservative Party vote of confidence on his leadership, 8) footage of his mother's funeral (silent), 9) he talks of his confrontation with Agricultural Minister Alvin Hamilton over agricultural policies, 10) footage him participating in the Melfort Union Hospital opening dedication ceremonies (silent), 11) footage of him participating in the opening dedication ceremonies of the Batoche historic site (silent), 12) statement by him expressing confidence of victory in a Saskatoon by-election, 1964, 13) footage of him participating in a political rally supporting the Progressive Conservative candidate running in a Saskatoon by-election, 1964 (silent), 14) statement by him regarding the national flag issue, 15) statement by him on the auto trade agreement with the United States, 16) statement by him regarding Thomas C. Douglas and Robert N. Thompson's support for the Liberal Government, 17) he talks about the effect of the United States' wheat subsidies will have on the world's wheat market, 18) he makes a statement that the Canadian electorate is ready for a change of government in the next election, 19) he makes a statement describing the poor leadership of the Liberal Party, 20) he gives his view on the Liberal's interference in Lucien Rivard's extradition proceedings, 21) he makes a starement calling for the goernment to end the grainhandlers strike.



  • FILM S-2281
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  • 1979 or before

News compilation: 1) John George Diefenbaker speaks of the importance of maintaining hospitals for Indian hospitals to ensure they have access to the best treatment and not be seen as second class citizens, 2) criticizes the Liberal Party for being anti-American and claims they are trying to limit American investment in Canada, 3) states that Lester Pearson and the Liberal Party are trying to sweep wrong doing, found by the Progressive Conservatives, under the carpet to hide it, 4) states that the good wheat sales are the result of previous Progressive Conservative Party policies, and because of that the farmers will vote conservative in the next election, 5) makes a statement in support giving the same rights for potash solution mining as exists for shaft mining, 6) shot of him and Olive arriving at the Saskatoon airport (slient), 7) makes a statement of the rising cost of living and advocates reducing taxes, 8) portion of a speech at a banquet in which he criticizes unidentified Liberal Party policies, 9) makes a statement criticizing recently announced constituency redistribution plans, 10) talks about his health and participating the planned City of Prince Albert centennial Hacelebrations, 11) he makes a comment on unidentified piscatorial actions that took place in his absence, 12) he states that the Liberal Party will have to withdraw from its position on its medicare policies, 13) fooatge of him attending an art show at an art gallery (silent), 14) and 15) shots of the Diefenbaker homestead being readied to be transported to Wascana Center in Regina (silent), 16) makes a statement about the construction of Gardiner Dam and its importance to agriculture in, and its economic benefits to, the province of Saskatchewan, 17) he expresses his saddeness over the death of Senator John Hnatyshyn, 18) he states that Stephen Truscott should be release on parole, 19) he states that he will not comment on his party leadership plans until the Progressive Party leadership convention, 20) he criticizes the upcoming Liberal Party's budget, 21) comments on the drought conditions in the prairies and suggests that the federal government should create an economic farm relief program that would be administered by PFRA and PFAA, 22) attends and speaks at the dedication ceremonies of his family's homestead new location in Wascana Park in Regina. He reminisces about his childhood and living in the homestead.



  • FILM S-2282
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  • 1979 or before

News compilation: 1) John George Diefenbaker has no comment on the information leaks allegedly made to the press, 2) portion of a speech he made at an alumni meeting in which he talks about the proper use of Royal Commissions and the United Nations, 3) talks about going fishing and goose and duck hunting, 4) comments on the fact that Canada is loosing traditional wheat markets to the United States and criticizes the federal government for allowing this to happen, 5), 6), 7) Saskatoon Mayor Sid Buckwold dedicates Diefenbaker Park at an honourary dinner for John Diefenbaker; John Diefenbaker speech responding to Buckwold's speech, 8), 9) he sets campaign election policy of better work to improve markets and prices for wheat and criticizes the liberal Party for failing to do so, 10) comments on an American murderer traveling on an Canadian passport, 11) John G. Diefenbaker meets Robert L. Stanfield, 12) comments on the problems farmers are having storing large quantities of wheat and suggests that the federal government should remove the sales tax on materials used to build grain storage bins, 13) footage of a poodle in a dog travel cage arriving at the Saskatoon airport (silent), 14) talks about the large amount of grain that needs to be mechanically dried and criticizes the Liberal Party Members of Parliament from Saskatchewan, including the Minister of Agriculture, for not supporting economic assistance to the farmers, 15) states that Canada should not export its water without ensuring that the country has a 150 year supply, 16) footage of Diefenbaker unavailing a portrait of himself at an unidentified auditorium in Wakaw (silent), 17) criticizes the Liberal Party's language bill stating that he cannot support it because it will put the ethnic people in a secondary position, 18) footage of the dedication of Diefenbaker Park in Saskatoon (silent), 19) he makes a statement that he will be donating his personal papers and archives to the University of Saskatchewan, 20) criticizes the Liberal Government for not providing more economic aid to western farmers, 21) footage of an engineering show at the University of Saskatchewan (silent), 22) criticizes the Liberal Party's LIP agricultural program stating that it do not address the needs of Canadian farmers and that the federal government must devise a national agricultural policy, 23) criticizes the agricultural policy of the Liberal Party stating that it is not good for western Canadian farmers, 24) criticizes the Liberal Party's Prairie Farm Assistance Act stating that it fails Canadian farmers, 25) criticizes the Liberal Party throne speech in regard to its reference to agriculture policy.



  • FILM S-2283
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  • 1979 or before

News compilation: 1) John George Diefenbaker criticizes the inclusion of cattle in the livestock marketing bill stating that it will hurt western cattle producers, 2) Is critical of the British North America Act Commission, 3) States that a convicted American murderer's easy access to a forged Canadian passport undermines Canada's security, 4) A short portion of an unidentified speech made during a meeting in Saskatoon. Includes silent footage of men sitting in a room listening to the speech, 5) States that Prime Minister Trudeau's plans for Canada are bad and will only hurt the country and lead to disunity. States that the Liberal Party should be changed to the Trudeau Party. 6) Criticizes the Liberal Party's policies stating that they will cause more disunity in Canada. He insists on calling July 1 "Dominion Day" and calls the Liberal Party the Trudeau Party. 7) Portion of an election speech in which he states that he will continue represent the people of his riding to the best of his abilities, 8) Talks about the large deficit created by the federal Liberal Party, 9) Portion of a speech at a election campaign rally. He states that the Canada is being governed by a Trudeau Party government. 10) Portion of a speech in which he states that the construction of an unidentified pipeline will have a detrimental effect on the environment, 11) In a hall filled with people he criticizes the growing extent of the power and influence of Pierre Trudeau 12) Talks about election issues including the relationship between French and English Canada and hopes that with footage of the help of the NDP, the government will be defeated by a vote of non-confidence, 13) Talks about the election campaign in the riding that Humboldt is located and promises an unidentified political opponent a real race, 14) Criticizes the Liberal Party's plan for a guaranteed income policy, 15) Criticizes the Liberal Party plan to give the Attorney General the power to approve wiretaps without a judge's intervention, 16) footage of him receiving an unidentified award. Includes footage of him giving a speech to a hall full of people. 17) Criticizes the agricultural policies of the Liberal Party and mentions the LIP program in particular, 18) Comments on inflation and the detrimental effect it is having on Canada's economy, 19) States his support for a regularly scheduled air flight between Saskatchewan and Denver, Colorado, 20) footage Diefenbaker election campaigning (silent) and of a CBC-TV news report in which he talks about when the new cabinet ministers will be sworn in, 21) outdoor scenes showing where the Diefenbaker Library and Archives will be built on the campus of the University of Saskatchewan, 22) Comments on an unidentified person's statement on the possibility of Alexander Solzhenitsyn applying as a political refugee in Canada, 23) States that he supports retaining the Crow's Nest freight rates, 24) Voices concerns about the divisions that have taken place at the University of Saskatchewan will not have the results of enhancing the institution's high representation, 25) States that with so many issues being talked about in the election, he urges the Progressive Conservative Party to wage the strongest possible campaign, 26) States that ministers of the crown should be held accountable and that Parliament is a sham and the House of Commons under Prime Minister Trudeau is a cemetery operated by its own inmates, 27) States his support for temporary wage and prices controls, 28) States that that famine is a major issue affecting mankind and voices his support for a World Food Bank, 29) Footage recording the activities of a film crew during the production of the 13 part series entitled "One Canadian: The Political Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker."


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