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[M.P. Report - Guest Jason Kenney]

Information: Installment of M.P. Report hosted by Jim Pankiw M.P. and produced in Ottawa to be shown in Pankiw's constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt. Guest in this installment is Jason Kenny M.P., the Reform Party's Finance Critic. Pankiw and Kenney discuss the Liberal government's plan to raise premiums to the Canada Pension Plan and shrink its benefits to Canadians.

Cable Studio

Ottawa Report #3 [M.P. Report - Guest Gerry Ritz]

Information: Installment of M.P. Report hosted by Jim Pankiw M.P. and produced in Ottawa to be shown in Pankiw's constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt. Guest in this installment is Gerry Ritz M.P., the Reform Party's Deputy Finance Critic. Pankiw and Ritz discuss the upcoming federal budget and the Reform Party's document "Securing Your Future" which outlines the Reform Party finance group's hopes for the budget.

Cable Studio

Order #14260 Jim Pankiw M.P. [M.P. Report - Government Spending]

Information: Installment of M.P. Report hosted by Jim Pankiw M.P. and produced in Ottawa to be shown in Pankiw's constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt. Pankiw discusses spending by the Liberal government and the Reform Party's reaction to the spending. Installment includes clips of Reform Party Leader Preston Manning addressing the House of Commons on matters of government spending and debt reduction.

Cable Studio

Jim Pankiw, MP May 26/98 [M.P. Report - Senate Reform]

Information: Installment of M.P. Report hosted by Jim Pankiw M.P. and produced in Ottawa to be shown in Pankiw's constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt. Pankiw discusses senate reform in the Canadian government. Includes clips of Reform Party Leader Preston Manning addressing the House of Commons on senate reform.

Cable Studio

Order #14808 Donna Ferolie Interview [M.P. Report - Guest Donna Ferolie]

Information: Installment of M.P. Report hosted by Jim Pankiw M.P. and produced in Ottawa to be shown in Pankiw's constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt. Guest in this installment is Donna Ferolie, a lobbyist against Bill C-68, the Firearms Act. Pankiw and Ferolie discuss the propsals of the Act and its negative consequences for firearms owners in Canada.

Cable Studio

Order #15337 [M.P. Report - Guest Mike Scott]

Information: Installment of M.P. Report hosted by Jim Pankiw M.P. and produced in Ottawa to be shown in Pankiw's constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt. Guest in this installment is Mike Scott M.P., the Reform Party's Indian Affairs Critic. Pankiw and Scott discuss the Niska Treaty and its effect on Aboriginals under the Treaty and the future of other treaties in Canada.

Cable Studio

Order #15719 [M.P. Report - Guest Howard Hilstrom]

Information: Installment of M.P. Report hosted by Jim Pankiw M.P. and produced in Ottawa to be shown in Pankiw's constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt. Guest for this installment is Howard Hilstrom M.P., the Reform Party's Agriculture Critic. Pankiw and Hilstrom discuss the farm income crisis, its causes and proposals set out by the Reform Party to aid farmers.

Cable Studio

Jim Pankiw, M.P. with Eric Lowther, M.P. [M.P. Report]

Information: Installment of M.P. Report hosted by Jim Pankiw M.P. and produced in Ottawa to be shown in Pankiw's constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt. Guest in this installment is Eric Lowther M.P., the Reform Party's Children and Family Policy Critic. Pankiw and Lowther discuss the Liberal government's Children and Family Policy and its unfairmess to Canadian families with respect to taxation.

Cable Studio

Jim Pankiw, MP with Chuck Cadman, MP [M.P. Report]

Information: Installment of M.P. Report hosted by Jim Pankiw M.P. and produced in Ottawa to be shown in Pankiw's constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt. Guest for this installment is Chuck Cadman M.P., the Reform Party's Justice Critic. Pankiw and Cadman discuss youth crime and the Young Offenders Act. Also discussed is the Reform Party's critique of the Liberal government's proposed Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Cable Studio

Jim Pankiw, MP with Monte Solberg, MP [M.P. Report]

Information: Installment of M.P. Report hosted by Jim Pankiw M.P. and produced in Ottawa to be shown in Pankiw's constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt. Guest for this installment is Monte Solberg M.P., the Reform Party's Finance Critic. Pankiw and Solberg discuss the Liberal government's resistance to cutting taxes and reducing spending.

Cable Studio

Results 1 to 10 of 45