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People and organizations

Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission

  • GA 1
  • Primary Agency
  • 1972-

The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission was established in 1972, and five people were appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council to serve five-year terms as Commissioners. The head office, located in Saskatoon, was opened in early 1973. Branch offices were opened in Regina in June of 1974, and in Prince Albert in October of 1974.

The Commission's mandate initially stated it was to administer equality and anti-discrimination legislation in Saskatchewan in the areas of housing, employment, employment applications and advertisements, public accommodation and education on the grounds of race, creed, religion, colour, sex, nationality or place of origin. In addition, the Commission also championed anti-discrimination education and awareness campaigns.

The Commission was charged with the responsibility for investigating complaints. Complaints were separated into formal and informal. A commission officer investigated alleged complaints of discrimination by interviewing witnesses and examining documentation. However, if a resolution was not reached at this informal stage, the Commission would then hold a formal inquiry into the complaint. If the complaint was proven, the defendant could be ordered to pay restitution to the complainant. Appeals to commission orders could be filed in the Court of Queen's Bench.

The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code was enacted as legislation effective 7 August 1979. Part One of the Code enshrined the fundamental rights of citizens in Saskatchewan protecting "the right to freedom of conscience, religion, expression, and association, the right to vote in provincial elections and the right to freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention". Part Two prohibits "discriminatory policies and practices in employment, education, public services, housing, contracts, publications, professional association and trade unions". The Act made it illegal to discriminate in any of the outlined areas, expanding on the 1972 definitions, on the basis of "age, ancestry, race or colour, family status, marital status, nationality or place of origin, physical or mental disability, receipt of public assistance, religion or creed, sex (covers sexual harassment and pregnancy discrimination) and sexual orientation". The Commission was further empowered to approve and encourage equity programs. In addition, the education and awareness programs were strengthened in the Code to further the principles of equality and diversity.

Due to budget constraints the Prince Albert office was closed in 1986. However, the 2000 annual report indicated that the Chief Commissioner was concerned that northern residents were not being adequately represented and met with community leaders, along with the Provincial Ombudsman and the Children's Advocate, to understand what the residents of the north need in terms of support from the Commission.

In May 2000 a bill was introduced to amend the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code. The amendments were the result of a survey conducted in 1996 entitled Renewing the Vision - Human Rights in Saskatchewan. The intention was to streamline the complaint process and change some of the terms of discrimination and create a human rights tribunal panel to enforce the provisions of the code.

The Commission continues to be busy at both the Saskatoon and Regina offices. As definitions of rights and freedoms continue to evolve, the Commission has a vital role in the lives of the citizens of Saskatchewan.

The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission reports to the Minister of Justice.

Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Air Ambulance Service

  • GA 10
  • Secondary Agency
  • 1945-

The Saskatchewan Air Ambulance Service was established in 1945 by the Canadian Commonwealth Federation (CCF) government. The service was introduced to provide rapid transportation in medical emergencies for a province with poor roads, severe weather conditions, few hospitals outside Regina and Saskatoon and almost no rural airfields at the time. In November 1945, a Norseman aircraft was purchased, licensed and fitted for basic medical needs. The Service established a base in Regina and assembled a crew consisting of a pilot, aircraft engineer and flight nurse. The inaugural flight occurred on February 3, 1946, when a diabetic female patient was transported from Liberty to Regina. The pilot landed the aircraft 100 yards from the patient's home and had to take off in moderately deep snow.

The increased demand for the Air Ambulance Service in the 1940's and 1950's resulted in additional aircraft and personnel. In 1950 a second base was established in Saskatoon to serve northern residents more effectively. On September 25, 1958, the Service carried its 10,000th patient. A decline in the demand for the Service began in the 1970's due to better road conditions, an improved road ambulance system and the establishment of more medical centers throughout the province.

A review and update of the Service in the early 1990's led to a major upgrading of medical equipment, the development of new medical and nursing protocols and the provision of an aeromedical training program for pilots and attending staff. In 1993 paramedics became part of the critical care team. As of 2005, the Service, known as Lifeguard, was based in Saskatoon with a backup aircraft stationed in Regina. Lifeguard remains the oldest non-military air ambulance program in the world.

The Saskatchewan Air Ambulance Service was administered by the Department of Public Health from 1945 until September 1, 1966, when responsibility for staff, aircraft and equipment was transferred to the Department of Public Works. The Department of Public Health negotiated the level of service with Public Works and continued to handle the daily administration. In 1993, responsibility for staffing and training was assumed by St. Paul's Hospital, an affiliate of Saskatoon Health District. Saskatchewan Health continued to fund the program and Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation (SPMC) maintained the aircraft. This arrangement between Saskatchewan Health and Saskatchewan Property Management remains in place as of 2005.

Saskatchewan. Dept. of Public Works. Local Improvement Branch

  • GA 100
  • Secondary Agency
  • 1905-1908

In 1905, the province of Saskatchewan was created. The Department of Public Works, created in 1897 under the territorial government, was continued under the new provincial government. By 1906, the department had eleven branches, including the Local Improvement Branch.

In 1905, most of the settled land in Saskatchewan was organized into Local Improvement Districts (LID). Smaller local improvement districts were governed by a regularly elected council of approximately four members, each of whom represented a division of the district. The council appointed a secretary-treasurer to assess and collect taxes for the district and forward the monies to the Local Improvement Branch. In large local improvement districts, taxes were assessed and collected directly by the Branch. Branch personnel assisted in the organization of villages and small local improvement districts; received and issued receipts; accounted for payments in their records; and issued tax certificates.

On November 1, 1908, the newly created Department of Municipal Affairs assumed all of the functions performed by the Local Improvement Branch of the Department of Public Works.

Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Veterans' Civil Security Corps

  • GA 101
  • Primary Agency
  • 1940-1945

In June 1940, the province of Saskatchewan held meetings with Col. C.D. La Nauze of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and representatives of veterans organizations (the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League, Army and Navy Veterans in Canada, Canadian Corps, Amputation Association of the Great War, Imperial Veterans in Canada, and Old Contemptibles) for the purposes of establishing a security force that would mediate and control anti-British activities. The discussions were inspired by a shared perception that the Federal government was taking insufficient steps to deal with peace and order at home. It was also believed that establishing an organization to identify "true" threats would reduce public paranoia and suspicion of persons of "enemy origin” and those believed to have never fully assimilated into the traditions and loyalties of Canada. As a result, there would be less persecution and boycotting of innocent persons, businesses, and groups. Since the province was not eligible to establish military forces, the government instead provided an order in council on June 8, 1940 for the development of the Saskatchewan Veterans' Civil Security Corps (SVCSC). This organization comprised of volunteers with military backgrounds would support and cooperate with law enforcement agencies and civil governments to ensure the security and safety of the state and the public. The Corps did not advocate for the protection of veterans' rights nor function as "Home Guards" or veterans' reserve companies attached to established military units.

The Corps organized itself along military lines so that if the Government of Canada required an expansion of home defence, the Corps could be readily adapted for that purpose. The Corps established two battalions each in Saskatoon and Regina, and single battalions in North Battleford, Prince Albert, Yorkton, Moose Jaw-Swift Current, and Weyburn. The battalions followed the territorial divisions of the RCMP to better facilitate cooperation with that agency - and in the hopes of establishing a parallel presence in every community with an RCMP detachment. Under each battalion were companies, platoons, and sections. A corps headquarters was set up in Regina.

The Corps was administered by a Commandant (who also served as a Honourary Commissioner of the Provincial Police) and by a General Staff Officer. Brigadier-General Alex Ross served as the first Corps Commandant from 1940 until August 20, 1943 when he took the position in Ottawa of Director Civil Air Raid Precautions in Canada. Colonel Alfred Gaviller Styles, appointed Commandant by order in council 952/43 (August 20, 1943), succeeded him. Styles served in that capacity until 1945. The only other paid staff member was Captain J.F. McKay, who was retained as General Staff Officer of the Corps with order in council 787/40 (June 28, 1940). The Corps headquarters was responsible for activities such as administering expense claims of the battalion, coordinating further investigation by the RCMP and other law enforcement agencies including drawing in the assistance of Department of National Defence; producing and distributing orders, circulars and newsletters to battalions and other interested parties; providing updates on changes to officers (appointments, promotions, resignations); summarizing intelligence/information gathering activities of battalions and companies, and liaising with similar organizations. The Commandant was responsible for appointing battalion and subdivision commanding officers, who, in turn, selected the company commanders. All appointments were subject to approval of the immediate superior office and had to be confirmed by the Corps' headquarters. Officers commanding subdivisions and battalions were, as much as possible, persons holding commissioned rank either in the Canadian Militia or in the British Forces. Each battalion headquarters had an intelligence officer who was responsible for providing intelligence assignments and for liaison with the local subdivision officer of the RCMP. Individual battalions were responsible for the detection of activities that were prohibited by the Defence of Canada Regulations, conducting patrols, submitting strength returns, investigating charges of subversive activities, clearing innocent persons from false accusation of disloyalty, detecting the circulation of subversive literature, establishing intelligence gathering posts and allocating sufficient resources for complete geographic coverage, and coordinating training opportunities in marksmanship, fire fighting, first aid, air raid precautions, map reading, and counter-espionage.

General membership of the Corps was comprised of volunteers sworn in as special constables (as authorized by order in council 734/40) who were forbidden from acting as special constables. Initial membership in the Corps was confined to those persons who had seen active service in British or Commonwealth forces or with the RCMP, but the Corps later permitted associate membership for those persons who were over military age and/or were unable to participate in military service. Recruitment of members often proceeded with the assistance of local veterans organizations that were empowered to verify that applicants were of "good character and responsibility." Although members were volunteers, officers in the Corps were reimbursed for travel and other expenses incurred in operating the Corps.

On February 10, 1945 the Corps Commandant gave verbal orders to all subdivision and battalion commanders to stand down. The Province ceased funding to the Corps on April 30, 1945.

Saskatchewan. Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization

  • GA 102
  • Primary Agency
  • 2002-2004

The Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization was established on March 26, 2002 with the merger of the Department of Agriculture and Food and the Rural Revitalization Office. Within the newly-merged department, the Rural Issues Office was created to handle the responsibilities transferred from the Rural Revitalization Office.

Reporting to its Minister and Deputy Minister, the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization was composed of four major divisions: Programs and Services; Central Support; Agricultural Development; and Policy and Financial Services. Each division, with the exception of Central Support, was the responsibility of an Assistant Deputy Minister. Branches within the Programs and Services Division included Lands; Inspection and Regulatory Management; and Rural Issues. The Central Support Division was initially responsible for the department's communications; administrative services; and human resources and by 2003, communications and corporate services. Branches within the Agricultural Development Division included Agricultural Research; Crop Development; Extension Services (2002-2003 only); Agri-Business Development (2003-2004); Livestock Development; Food Safety and Regulation; and Market Development and Food. The Policy and Financial Services Division oversaw the Financial Programs Branch; Policy Branch; and the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation.

In addition to the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation, agencies with legislative responsibilities to the department included Agricultural Credit Corporation of Saskatchewan; Agricultural Implements Board; Agricultural and Food Products Development and Marketing Council; Agri-Food Innovation Fund; Beef Development Board; Irrigation Crop Diversification Corporation; Milk Control Board; Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute; Saskatchewan Agricultural Stabilization Fund; and Crop Reinsurance Fund of Saskatchewan.

The department also maintained or established several committees, boards, commissions, and advisory councils to discuss and address concerns related to specific areas of agriculture, food production, animal health issues, commodity development, and the rural economy. These bodies, which involved representatives from government and the agriculture industry, included the Action Committee on the Rural Economy; Pork Industry Advisory Board; Livestock Loan Guarantee Program Producer Advisory Committee; Agriculture Development Fund Board; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Council; Farm Support Review Committee; Saskatchewan Agri-Environmental Advisory Council; and various commodity-specific boards and commissions. As well, the department engaged in consultations with provincial and national organizations related to agriculture, agri-business and rural economic development.

The department's head office was located in Regina, with smaller offices located throughout the province. These locations provided services offered by Lands Branch offices; field offices; and offices of the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation. In the 2004-2005 fiscal year, the number of these locations was reduced from thirty-three to twenty-five, and the department established the Agriculture Knowledge Centre in Moose Jaw, and nine Agriculture Business Centres throughout the province.

In accordance with Order in Council 288/2004, the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization ceased existence on May 6, 2004. The Department of Rural Revitalization was created and the Department of Agriculture and Food was reestablished.

Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Power Corporation

  • GA 103
  • Primary Agency
  • 1949-

Saskatchewan Power Corporation was established as the province's electric utility by notice under the Crown Corporations Act, 1947. Under this notice, the mandate to manufacture, distribute, sell and supply electricity to residential and business customers in Saskatchewan was transferred from the Saskatchewan Power Commission to Saskatchewan Power Corporation on February 1, 1949. Under its new structure, Saskatchewan Power Corporation (SPC) had a board of directors appointed by government, with the Minister-in-Charge as its chairman. The board appointed J.W. Tomlinson as the first general manager. Tomlinson's role was to serve as the corporation's chief executive officer at its headquarters in Regina. Reporting to the general manager were department heads of Power Production; Engineering; Financial; and Commercial, along with a secretary/legal advisor and a public relations director. By 1951, additional departments included Line Construction and Operating and by 1954, additional executive positions included gas development engineer; operating superintendent supply manager; and engineer in charge of construction.

In the first fifteen months, Government passed two additional pieces of legislation to further clarify the work of SPC. The Rural Electrification Act, 1949, assented to April 2, 1949, guided the corporation's mission to expand the electrical grid throughout rural Saskatchewan. The Power Corporation Act, 1950, assented to April 8, 1950, outlined the responsibilities of the corporation. In 1950, SPC also developed interdependent programs to redevelop and extend a low-voltage system across the province and to develop new higher-voltage transmission systems, thus eliminating the need for smaller, less efficient plants. As well, SPC was designated in 1951 as the provincial authority to handle the distribution of natural gas. Development in the production and supply of power to oil fields and potash mines also increased the corporation's reach to its business customers. Throughout the 1950s, the corporation's infrastructure expanded with the construction and expansion of plants in Saskatoon, Estevan, Prince Albert, North Battleford, Swift Current and Unity. Field offices with district operators were also established during this period to serve the needs of rural customers throughout Saskatchewan.

J.W. Tomlinson served as general manager until his resignation on November 30, 1954. W.B. Clipsham was appointed acting general manager until September 1955 when David Cass-Beggs was appointed as general manager. In the months following his appointment, a major reorganization took place within the management of the corporation. Three functional divisions were created: Engineering; Operations; and Administration. Assistant general managers were appointed for each division, and personnel and public relations directors fell under the responsibility of the Administration Division. A further reorganization of the Administration Division was done in 1959, with all research, planning and administrative control functions brought together to form the Planning and Administrative Controls Division. This division also included functions such as finance and public and employee relations. In 1960, a revision to the organizational structure of the Engineering division (or Group as it was now known) took place. Functional areas of electrical design, mechanical design, and electrical construction were re-grouped into separate divisions, and an additional division was created for system planning. David Cass-Beggs remained as general manager until mid-1964 when W.B. Clipsham was once again appointed acting general manager.

The rural electrification program initiated in 1949 was completed in 1961. Under this program, 62,200 rural customers were hooked up to SPC's electrical service. Infrastructure projects during this period included the construction of new power plants in La Ronge in 1959 and near Estevan in 1960, and the opening of a new corporate headquarters in Regina in 1963.

In March 1965, D.B. Furlong was appointed general manager. Furlong oversaw a major reorganization later that year wherein functions of the Gas and Electrical systems were operationally separated into their own entities. This reorganization was aimed at reducing overlap of management between the functional areas. Further reorganizations took place in 1967 when the Electric system was divided into five areas, each with its own manager, and in 1968 when the Gas system was divided into north and south zones. Each zone had a manager and its own headquarters (Saskatoon and Regina). In keeping with the focus on better corporate efficiency, SPC saw a fifteen percent reduction in staff from 1964 to 1969. As well, in an effort to better meet customer service needs, a decentralization initiative to increase the number of employees in rural service centres took place in the 1970s. In Regina, a research and development division was created in 1972. D.B. Furlong held the position of general manager until his resignation in May 1970. R.R. Keith was first appointed acting general manager upon Furlong's departure, and was later appointed general manager. He served as such until the appointment of F.G. Ursel on March 1, 1976.

In 1969, SPC formed a subsidiary, North-Sask Electric Ltd., to serve the electrical needs of northern Saskatchewan. Based in La Ronge, North-Sask Electric Ltd. had its own board of directors and assumed all assets of SPC in the North. SPC also incorporated Many Islands Pipelines (Canada) Ltd. in 1972 as a subsidiary to purchase and operate a gas transmission line between Unity and the gas fields near Provost, Alberta. During the late-1960s and 1970s, completed infrastructure construction and expansion projects included the Success Power Station near Swift Current, the Coteau Creek Hydroelectric Station near Elbow and at Boundary Dam Power Station near Estevan.

Another major corporate reorganization occurred in 1980. The new corporate structure was based on the need to strengthen internal capabilities while improving relations with external groups. New functional groups were created or realigned to accommodate key themes such as environmental protection, energy supply and conservation, and public participation. The reorganization also saw the replacement of the title of general manager with that of president to identify the chief executive officer of the corporation. Corporate executives that reported to the president were now given titles of vice-president based on their functional role. F.G. Ursel remained with SPC as president until December 1980. Presidents succeeding Ursel were R.H. Moncur (1981), E.B. Campbell (1982-1987), and George D. Hill (1987-1991). Hill was the first president to have chief executive officer (CEO) added to his title.

North-Sask Electric Ltd. was consolidated into the corporation on December 31, 1987. Infrastructure growth continued in the 1980s with the redevelopment of the former Regina Power Plant into a research and development facility, and with expansion of the Poplar River plant near Coronach and the E.B. Campbell Hydro Station at Nipawin. As well, an amendment to The Power Corporation Act on November 6, 1987 recognized the name SaskPower as a legally accepted abbreviation of Saskatchewan Power Corporation (S.S. 1986-87-88, c. 52).

Operations in the electrical and natural gas divisions of SaskPower were formally separated on June 1, 1988 with the establishment of Saskatchewan Energy Corporation (SaskEnergy). The two corporations were formally and financially separated on December 31, 1989. Except for the removal of natural gas operations, the organizational structure of SaskPower remained similar. In 1993, the executive consisted of the president and CEO, an executive vice-president of Corporate Affairs, and vice-presidents of: Major Projects and Facility Enhancements; Finance; Energy Supply and Facilities Planning; Human Resources; Production and Transmission; Operations; and Customer Services.

In the early 1990s, SaskPower formed three subsidiaries with the establishment of Power Greenhouses Inc. (1991), the purchase of Channel Lake Petroleum Limited (1993) and the launch of SaskPower Commercial - later renamed SaskPower International Ltd. (1994). These subsidiaries were looked at as a means to broaden SaskPower's profile beyond Saskatchewan's borders, and to focus on the corporation's goals for environmental sustainability. Channel Lake Petroleum Limited was sold to Direct Energy Marketing Ltd. in 1997. Another major project of this period, the Shand Power Station, commissioned in 1992. It included the only wetland in North America that was designed to supply cooling water to a power station. It was also the site of the Shand Greenhouse (formally known as Power Greenhouses Inc.) which grows and distributes plant seedlings in an effort to offset the environmental impact of electricity production.

Another major corporate reorganization occurred in 1995 with the formation of four business units and two support groups. The business units were Power Production; System Operations and Decision Support; Transmission and Distribution; and Customer Services. The two support groups were Corporate and Business Services Group, which was comprised of human resources; administration; legal; audit; communications; and public affairs departments and Finance Group, which was comprised of financial reporting; information systems; debt and pension management; corporate business planning; and financial analysis departments. This reorganization was aimed at increasing accountability and performance and encouraging a more decentralized attitude to respond to customer service. A further corporate realignment in February 1999 saw departments within the Systems Operations and Decision Support Unit integrated with the remaining units. Information Systems became a separate entity which reported directly to the president. John R. Messer served as president and CEO from 1991 to March 1998 and Kelly E. Staudt as acting president and CEO from March 1998 to February 1999.

By 2000, SaskPower was structured into three business units (Power Production; Transmission and Distribution; and Customer Services) and five corporate groups (Corporate and Financial Services; Corporate Information and Technology; Corporate Planning and Regulatory Affairs; Human Resources; and President's Office.) While the number of corporate groups fluctuated, the corporate structure has remained intact since the 2000 reorganization. Those appointed president and CEO through the 2000s include John Wright (1999 to 2004); Patricia Youzwa (2004 to January 2010); Garner Mitchell (acting) (January to August 2010); and Robert Watson (since August 2010).

SaskPower formed its wholly-owned subsidiary North Point Energy Solutions Inc. in 2001 to meet the requirements of the Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) that mandated a separation of the transmission and wholesale marketing functions of the corporation. Between 2000 and 2010, infrastructure expansion projects were completed at the Queen Elizabeth Power Station in Saskatoon; the Poplar River Power Station; the Boundary Dam Power Station; the Nipawin Hydroelectric Station; and the Shand Power Station. As well, the Centennial Wind Power Facility began operation near Rush Lake in 2005, and the Yellowhead Power Station in North Battleford in 2010.

Currently (2011) SaskPower operates three coal-fired power stations, seven hydroelectric stations, five natural gas stations, and two wind facilities with a mission to provide safe, reliable and sustainable power for its customers. Its corporate headquarters remains in Regina, with Robert Watson serving as president and CEO.

Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Power Commission

  • GA 104
  • Primary Agency
  • 1929-1959

The Saskatchewan Power Resources Commission was appointed on January 7, 1927 to inquire and report upon the economic practicability of generating power at central power plants and water power sites in the province and the distribution of power throughout the province. Within the Commission's terms of reference, twelve specific questions were presented to the Commission. Responses to these questions laid the framework for how electric power would be generated, sold, supplied, distributed and regulated in the province of Saskatchewan. The Commission presented its final report on July 12, 1928.

Based on the recommendations of the Saskatchewan Power Resources Commission, the Saskatchewan Power Commission was established under The Power Commission Act, 1929, assented to January 18, 1929. Its mandate was to manufacture, distribute, sell and supply electricity to residential and business customers in Saskatchewan. It also acted as a regulatory body to supervise the operations of private utility companies, and to establish and operate a power system under public ownership.

Louis Augustus Thornton was appointed commissioner of the Saskatchewan Power Commission on January 25, 1929. An office was opened in Regina on February 11, 1929 for Thornton and a small staff including Samuel R. Parker (engineer) and Arthur Hayworth (secretary and legal advisor). The Commission was responsible for the administration of The Power Commission Act, 1929 as well as The Electrical Licensing Act, 1929. It also assumed responsibility for files of the Department of Railways, Labour and Industries that were relative to work of the Commission.

In its infancy, the Commission pursued the purchase of privately-owned power companies and municipally-owned plants. By 1931, it had acquired fourteen plants and was serving 120 centres throughout the province. The depression of the 1930s slowed the Commission's growth and expansion, and only necessary work was done to maintain the infrastructure already in place. However, as the decade ended, an improved economic situation, coupled with war-related contracts from the National Department of Transport and National Defence, proved profitable for the Commission. The Commission purchased more small power companies and renewed expansion of its network to provide more affordable and efficient power services to its customers. L.A. Thornton was succeeded by H.F. Berry as commissioner in 1945.

Under the Crown Corporations Act, 1947, the Saskatchewan Power Commission was converted to the Saskatchewan Power Corporation on February 1, 1949 (O.C. 188/49, amended by O.C. 297/49). Henceforth, the Saskatchewan Power Commission existed purely as a small, governmental body to regulate power production in jurisdictions within Saskatchewan not administered by the Saskatchewan Power Corporation. H.L. Berry resigned as commissioner, but sat on the board of directors of the Saskatchewan Power Corporation until 1950.

On April 14, 1959, section 8 of an Act to amend The Local Government Board Act (S.S. 1959, c. 97) repealed The Power Commission Act, 1929 and the Local Government Board assumed jurisdiction over all orders and consents made or granted by the Saskatchewan Power Commission.

Saskatchewan. Office of the General Manager of Saskatchewan Power Corporation

  • GA 105
  • Secondary Agency
  • 1949-1980

The general manager of Saskatchewan Power Corporation (SPC) was the chief executive officer of the corporation. Divisions and departments of the corporation reported to the general manager, who in turn reported to the board of directors.

A.L. (Albert) Cole served as acting general manager between late-1948 and early-1949 in the period of conversion of Saskatchewan Power Commission to Saskatchewan Power Corporation. J. W. (John) Tomlinson was appointed the first general manager of SPC in 1949. Tomlinson served as general manager until his resignation on November 30, 1954. Upon Tomlinson's resignation, chief engineer W.B. Clipsham served as acting general manager until September 1955, when David Cass-Beggs was appointed general manager. Cass-Beggs had worked for SPC as a special consultant since 1947. He served as general manager until mid-1964. Once again, W.B. Clipsham was appointed acting general manager until the appointment of D.B. (David) Furlong in March 1965.

Furlong held the position of general manager until his resignation in May 1970. R.R. (Richard) Keith was first appointed acting general manager upon Furlong's departure, and was later appointed general manager. He served as such until the appointment of F.G. (Fred) Ursel on March 1, 1976.

A major corporate reorganization in 1980 converted the general manager position into that of president. Ursel remained with SPC as president until 1981.

Saskatchewan. Conservation Branch

  • GA 106
  • Secondary Agency
  • 1954-1960

The Conservation Branch was established in the Department of Natural Resources in 1954. Overseen by a director, the branch originally consisted of three divisions: the Conservation Information Service; the Conservation Officers' Training School; and the Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History. The Conservation Information Service was responsible for publicity, visual aids, publications and extension services. The Service prepared information for news releases; produced the Northern News radio program on CKBI in Prince Albert; produced pamphlets and other publications; compiled a library of films and still photography; and presented information to school children and other interest groups. The Conservation Officers' Training School provided training for new field officers and offered refresher courses for veteran staff. The Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History was responsible for acquiring and exhibiting aspects of the province's natural history and educating the public in the areas of botany, zoology, archaeology, geology and paleontology.

The Conservation Branch was also responsible for conducting anthropological research into the Metis people of northern Saskatchewan; conducting geographical research on the development of renewable resources; developing guidelines on the disposition of Crown forest lands; and maintaining a central registry of all dispositions.

During the 1955-56 fiscal year, the Conservation Officers' Training School was transferred to the Administrative Services Branch. In 1955, the branch reassumed responsibility for the Historic Sites program, which involved locating, verifying and marking sites of historic significance in the province. The program was transferred to the Department of Travel and Information around 1957. During the 1956-1957 fiscal year, two new divisions were created. The Anthropological Research Division conducted research among northern Saskatchewan's Métis people to determine methods for improving their living conditions. The Lands Division surveyed the growth of the recreational use of provincial land and resources. During the 1958-59 fiscal year, the Anthropological Research Division was eliminated and the Lands Division was expanded into the Recreation Land Use Division, which was given a broader mandate to assist in the planning and design of recreational sites.

During the 1960-61 fiscal year, the Conservation Branch was reorganized into the Parks and Conservation Branch in response to the substantial increase in responsibilities assigned to the branch related to parks.

Saskatchewan. Conservation Education Branch

  • GA 107
  • Secondary Agency
  • 1953-1954

The Conservation Education Branch was established in the Department of Natural Resources during the 1952/53 fiscal year to streamline the department's public awareness activities. The new branch was created through an amalgamation of existing units, as follows: the Museum of Natural History, the Photographic Unit, the School Conservation Education lecture tour, and the Northern News radio program operating out of Prince Albert.

Headed by a director, the Conservation Education Branch originally consisted of three sections: Information and Education; Photographic; and Provincial Museum of Natural History. The Information and Education section was staffed by a senior information writer and a conservation officer, both based in Prince Albert. They were responsible for providing conservation education in schools; producing the Northern News radio program on CKBI; publishing a departmental newsletter; responding to information requests; creating and distributing various publications; and assisting the Bureau of Publications with news releases. The Photographic Section was responsible for producing images in various formats for documentary, educational and publicity purposes. The Museum of Natural History in Regina was responsible for acquiring and displaying specimens and encouraging public interest in zoology, botany, archaeology, paleontology and geology.

The Museum Section was elevated to full branch status during the 1953/54 fiscal year in order to allow the Conservation Education Branch to focus on its primary purpose, which was the preparation and distribution of information about the department's conservation programs. However the museum returned to the branch within the year.

During the 1954/55 fiscal year, the Conservation Education Branch was reorganized into the Conservation Branch.

Results 1 to 10 of 7865